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Canuckgod420 06-18-2009 02:28 PM

Thanks eh!!!
Funny thing is I'm just winging it as I go along.....I'm quickly finding out how much I enjoy working with acrylic.

Canuckgod420 06-19-2009 11:54 PM

I did a little modification to my hood/light stand.....I didnt like the fact that it was black on the inside, so I painted the inside with white krylon paint...seems to be more reflective now...:smile:

Canuckgod420 06-19-2009 11:58 PM

Pretty sure the rock I have for this tank is cured by now(2 months) in my display sump, so I think this weekend I will be putting in.

tinatom 06-20-2009 06:27 AM

Do we not get to see what your rock structure looks like? Any thoughts on inhabitants?

Canuckgod420 06-20-2009 02:41 PM

So I've been thinking about what to do in this tank for filtration...obviously there isnt any room for a skimmer, but I wanted floating particles to be removed at the least. So I built a little hanging basket from acrylic to fit inside my second chamber of the overflow...figure I could use filter floss and carbon or whatever else I want.

Canuckgod420 06-21-2009 12:43 AM


hockey nut 06-21-2009 05:06 AM

I'm following along and looks pretty good so far :) . Keep up the good work.

I think I will enter the next nano contest if Christy hosts another one.

Just didn't have time for this one.


Canuckgod420 06-21-2009 05:25 PM

Well I finally got the rock out of my sump, lots of neat shapes so I figured I could come up with something interesting. I really didnt want the pile of rock look so out came the drill and the zap straps. This is whay I came up with.....I like it. Then for fun I threw in a couple of frags just to see what it looks like.
Right side
Left side
Now to get some sand and I am set:razz:

bignose 06-21-2009 05:52 PM

How many rocks did you strap together? I like how it looks.

Canuckgod420 06-21-2009 07:38 PM

Theres 4 pieces, about 18 pounds

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