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RedCoralEdmonton 07-23-2009 06:01 AM

ive used all different types of chemical treatments/ biological treatments....and all i have to say is Red Sea Aiptasia-X.......nuff said......seriously for the 15 bucks it costs it does the turning off powerheads or anything......


BlueAbyss 07-23-2009 07:14 AM

Copperbands tend to have very poor survival rates and might not fare well with the trigger. I've also heard that Longnose Butterflys will eat aiptasia, but again I would worry about how one would fare in a tank with a trigger. I understand that butterflys don't fare overly well with aggressive tankmates.

FishIsGood2 07-23-2009 03:50 PM

I injected boiling water into its body and it worked really well.

Coincidentally 07-23-2009 05:31 PM

I have some aptasia X, if you are around abbotsford I can give you some.

no_bs 07-23-2009 06:38 PM

I second the raccoon. He ate them in our tank.

Drock169 07-24-2009 06:55 PM

pretty much any non-reef safe butterfly will work, auriga butterflies work very well.

saltwater gal 10-27-2009 05:36 PM

The question about Lemon Juice is yes it does work..Just inject it in. they wilt and die...but if you have to do quite a few of them you need to do a water change, Seems to change the water parameters a bit.

whatcaneyedo 10-27-2009 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Seek828 (Post 403151)
So does fish get affected by Aiptasia?
For example, does it stings fishes?
I'm guessing it will also eat really little fishes if it gets bigger and bigger?'


When I had aptasia I did notice my eel occasionally touching them and twitching away the same way it does when it touches my sebae anemone.

byee 10-28-2009 06:07 PM

I also ran into the same problem with my 120g tank. I bought 6 peppermint shrimps to keep the apthasia under control.

I have not seen any re-occurrence of apthasia since.

torrid_07 10-29-2009 01:07 AM

ive heard of injecting them with calcium. does that work?

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