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christyf5 02-26-2009 05:46 PM

I get a rash on my arms every time I work in my tank. Weirdly enough its from the eurobracing and the salt rubbing on the inside of my upper arm.

Scavenger 02-26-2009 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by digital-audiophile (Post 393340)
So who is coming over to pee on me tonight? :twised:

Just rent a fire hydrant costume and hang out at the dog shelter. That should fix you up.

digital-audiophile 02-28-2009 01:19 AM

Ok.. so taking pictures of my forearm with my left hand does not work very well :p ... but anyway.. this is after two days.. I think I might need to see a doctor

Borderjumper 02-28-2009 01:24 AM

I think it needs to come off....

Serious I do think you need to at least bop into a clinic. Have you tried any bacterial creme at all like neosporin at least? That looks pretty yucky.

atcguy 02-28-2009 01:25 AM

no biggy , get that on the inside of my arms if I brush up agaist torch coral.. ride it out!!! unless it gets crazy worse.

fishoholic 02-28-2009 01:25 AM

That looks like a pretty nasty rash, I think going to a doctor might be a good idea.

digital-audiophile 02-28-2009 01:33 AM

I've been putting an anti fungal cortisone cream on it. It doesn't really hurt, just itchy.

Lance 02-28-2009 01:34 AM


Leah 02-28-2009 01:56 AM

Should we start taking donations to buy you gloves?

digital-audiophile 02-28-2009 02:12 AM

LOL! As I stated before, gloves are for sissies :p

Actually I have a pair of the lee valley mucking gloves, they really are great gloves I just find I don't have much sensation when I use them.

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