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GreenSpottedPuffer 02-20-2009 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 390493)
I'm sorry to hear this. My guess is it's a cycle of some kind. If it were me, I'd throw some Cycle or some Zeobak or whatever into the water, I figure it couldn't hurt. Good luck!

Yeah maybe. If it was though, it was very small. Not to mention, some of my more delicate SPS are fine. Its not like all the delicate stuff died and the hardy stuff made it. Actually almost the other way around. Most of the dead sps are tough species.

I have noticed one more acro now that looks to be receding from the tips a bit. Should I frag the branches off now do you think??? This is another of my favorites :(

High tide 02-20-2009 04:57 PM

That totally sucks! What kind of salt did you use? Generally a bad idea to reuse sand, it upsets the ecology and things you can't even see die by the thousands. That being said, I've done it successfully several times. I think it could be shock from the transfer and such a large water change at the same time.

High tide 02-20-2009 04:59 PM

Did you putty down your corals?

GreenSpottedPuffer 02-20-2009 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by High tide (Post 390501)
That totally sucks! What kind of salt did you use? Generally a bad idea to reuse sand, it upsets the ecology and things you can't even see die by the thousands. That being said, I've done it successfully several times. I think it could be shock from the transfer and such a large water change at the same time.

Well thats why I asked here and at RC and both places got about 90% of people saying to reuse some of the sand after rinsing it. I honestly don't think its the sand or I would have had some kind of spike in ammonia and then nitrates. My nitrates are lower now than before the move. As for the water change, I have my doubts as well unless something bad was in the water. There is no way a 40% change should harm a tank if its done properly.

I am using the Deltec salt.


Originally Posted by High tide (Post 390502)
Did you putty down your corals?

No everything was already encrusted to rocks. I did superglue gel a few frags that broke off rocks but thats out of the tank and I have been doing that for years with no problems.

I don't I said, I was so careful about how I did this and really made sure it was quick and parameters stayed the same. The only obvious change for some of the corals would be flow.

Borderjumper 02-20-2009 05:23 PM

If the sand released anaerobic bacteria you wouldnt see it and tests wouldnt pick it up. This also could mess with the oxygen in your tank.. fish ok?

I dont think flow change would kill them this fast.

High tide 02-20-2009 05:25 PM

I have never used Deltec salt, but I know some salts take a couple days to dissolve properly. Flow changes would not trigger RTN throughout your tank. Unless there is some information you left out, the stress of the transfer and a 40% water change with freshly mixed salt resonates. I never do a water change when I transfer a tank, too much change at once is detrimental to SPS. Ideally you would have started the new tank slowly with some water from your old tank and some live rock, while doing small fresh water change in your established tank prior to transfer.

GreenSpottedPuffer 02-20-2009 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 390505)
If the sand released anaerobic bacteria you wouldnt see it and tests wouldnt pick it up. This also could mess with the oxygen in your tank.. fish ok?

I dont think flow change would kill them this fast.

I would be amazed if anaerobic bacteria was able to colonize 1 month old sand, especially the very top layer. But I guess thats possible. Just that from what I read, it takes a while. Would make sense though if thats what happened.

Fish are fine. Water is crystal clear and actually I was amazed at how clear it stayed through the whole process.

One thing I learned from this was that my old tank was VERY clean. No detritus anywhere. I was super happy about that.

GreenSpottedPuffer 02-20-2009 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by High tide (Post 390506)
I have never used Deltec salt, but I know some salts take a couple days to dissolve properly. Flow changes would not trigger RTN throughout your tank. Unless there is some information you left out, the stress of the transfer and a 40% water change with freshly mixed salt resonates. I never do a water change when I transfer a tank, too much change at once is detrimental to SPS. Ideally you would have started the new tank slowly with some water from your old tank and some live rock, while doing small fresh water change in your established tank prior to transfer.

That wasn't possible. It had to be done all at once.

I still don't see why the transfer would have really caused these kind of problem. Obviously it did but it still doesn't make sense to me. There really were not many changes. The corals were out of the old tank and in the new tank within 30 minutes.

I guess it must have to do with the water change, new tank having something bad in it (I did clean it though with RO water) or just my luck :D

FWIW, I always mix my salt a day before or less and have never had any problems over the past 6 years.

Lance 02-20-2009 05:35 PM

Jeez! Sorry to hear this. IMO you did just about everything you could have in the transfer. Something obviously got out of whack, but why? Hopefully everything else makes it.

High tide 02-20-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer (Post 390509)
That wasn't possible. It had to be done all at once.

I still don't see why the transfer would have really caused these kind of problem. Obviously it did but it still doesn't make sense to me. There really were not many changes. The corals were out of the old tank and in the new tank within 30 minutes.

I guess it must have to do with the water change, new tank having something bad in it (I did clean it though with RO water) or just my luck :D

FWIW, I always mix my salt a day before or less and have never had any problems over the past 6 years.

I hear ya, it's not always an ideal situation when doing a big job like that. Sounds like your salt dissolves quickly. All we can do is try and learn something from it to save our asses next time. Hopefully the death will stop soon and you can enjoy your new tank!:wink:

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