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my2rotties 12-27-2008 03:27 AM

I didn't think she was an adult since she is about 1/3 of the size of the large tang at the other store. I wasn't with the hubby when he bought her, and have told the hubby to call and complain. I don't know if it will help or not.

I hope all the advise proves true in this case, and she starts eating soon. I am thinking it is too late now.:sad:


Originally Posted by naesco (Post 371558)
Adult naso tangs, like adult angels, go on a hunger strike and often refuse to eat. They eventually just starve to death in the reefers tank.
I don't know why LFS continue to import them.
Follow the advice re: variety of foods and garlic extract.
Avoid to much contact with the tank as you will just further stress the fish.
Check your water parameters to make sure it is not a water quality problem and ensure you have lots of oxygen in the tank by placing a powerhead 8 inches below the water line.
Good Luck

Red Deer Reptiles 12-27-2008 04:06 AM

naso tang
try new life spectrumax finicky fish formula or uncooked prawns remove shell after 30 mins feed little bites. quick ? new fish is he being bullied.

my2rotties 12-27-2008 05:24 AM

I tried both since I have them on hand and my puffer eats prawns. She is not being bullied at all to be honest. Everyone leaves he alone and she is so peaceful in general. I am at a loss of what to do and really hope she follows all the other fish and eats like they do. Thanks for the advise.


Originally Posted by Red Deer Reptiles (Post 371660)
try new life spectrumax finicky fish formula or uncooked prawns remove shell after 30 mins feed little bites. quick ? new fish is he being bullied.

Red Deer Reptiles 12-27-2008 05:32 AM

yellow tang
can i ask were you got the fish? bye the way myself included.when it comes to people in the saltwater. i find there there pretty good to deal with.

my2rotties 12-29-2008 06:08 PM

Well I was about to lose all hope for this fish, but she is nibbling at the nori I have been putting out for her. She is not eating very much of it, but she is eating something!!! I had the option of bringing her back to the LFS to get another one, but I didn't want to do that to her. I felt that bringing her back would stress her out way too much. I know she cost some money, but she is our pet and I wanted to chance it. It seems that she likes the new rabbitfish and was watching her eat.

Hopefully just picking at the nori will turn into feeding shortly. She is dreadfully skinny so I know we are not out of danger just yet. Thanks for all the advise everyone.

fishoholic 12-29-2008 06:26 PM

I'm glad she's eating something, I know how much it sucks to loose a fish because it just wont eat. I lost my flame angel that way :sad: If she's eating the nori she should end up eating the other food too, eventually. My black velvet angel I got on boxing day had me a bit worried, but as of last night he finally ate some mysis. Hopefully your naso will too.

my2rotties 12-31-2008 12:33 AM

She is eating!!!
I'm so sorry you had to watch a fish die like that. I hope I never have it happen to me. As long as they are alive, we can keep trying. My Naso would almost have me tears since she would look around for food even though it was bouncing right off of her...

Congrats on the new fish you lucky devil... I feel the same way as you... just one more fish:biggrin:

One of our members, Razz gave my an awesome rabbitfish which has befriended the Naso. They swim together and when the rabbitfish went to the nori the naso would watch. Yesterday she picked the nori but today she is munching. Now I make sure the nori is always there. I'll let the skimmer pick up most of it since it get pulled off. I know things still can take a turn for the worse, but I am glad that I did not bring her back to the LFS.

THANKS RAZZ!!!!:mrgreen:

Still keeping my fingers crossed.


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 372161)
I'm glad she's eating something, I know how much it sucks to loose a fish because it just wont eat. I lost my flame angel that way :sad: If she's eating the nori she should end up eating the other food too, eventually. My black velvet angel I got on boxing day had me a bit worried, but as of last night he finally ate some mysis. Hopefully your naso will too.

Alberta-newb 12-31-2008 05:46 AM

Happy to hear she's eating nori..that's an excellent sign!:biggrin: If you happen to have some Selcon, you might want to try soaking the nori in it before feeding just as an extra boost of vitamins. I do this time to time to help supplement my fish's diet.

How do you feed your nori? I tried the algae clip that came with one of my packs but found that too much would tear away and end up going into the overflow so I switched to a feeding stick ( a piece of 1/2" PVC). Just wrap a sheet around and and hold it on with several elastic bands. Now there is very little waste and my hands don't get wet:mrgreen: I drop in the stick before leaving for work (well before the fish wake up), so my fish have something to nibble on until I get home for their regular feedings.


my2rotties 12-31-2008 08:02 PM

I use the clip which I hate, since it does always get wasted. I do soak in selcon and garlic but usually it floats away...

I have lots of PVC pipe and that is the best idea ever!!! How do you attach it to the tank or do you let it drop down? My tank is 30" deep and it is hard to get to the bottom on a good day.

I will do this right away since more nori goes into my overflows then anything. Thanks for ther tip it is awesome!!! My Naso is looking so much better today! Her stomach isn't imploded anymore and is almost smooth with the rest of her now. She is swimming around catching little tidbits now, but still won't eat when I am feeding. However, she is much better off. I was at the LFS the other day for a boxing week sale and mentioned my Naso that hubby bought elsewhere. He said Naso are the worst to get eating and he lost 27 of them the last shipment. He said she was probably going to die soon. I brought my newest and final additions home and it seems she thinks the more the merrier. The rabbitfish came a couple of days before, and then the new fish really spurred her appitite. My last fish will be a foxface from another wonderful member and we are doen for fish now. Next will be soft corals and such...

I am glad we have made it through the hardest oart of the build and can enjoy the fun part now. These forums have been the best tool for knowledge and friendship for me, and I don't know what I would do without them!!!


Originally Posted by Alberta-newb (Post 372844)
Happy to hear she's eating nori..that's an excellent sign!:biggrin: If you happen to have some Selcon, you might want to try soaking the nori in it before feeding just as an extra boost of vitamins. I do this time to time to help supplement my fish's diet.

How do you feed your nori? I tried the algae clip that came with one of my packs but found that too much would tear away and end up going into the overflow so I switched to a feeding stick ( a piece of 1/2" PVC). Just wrap a sheet around and and hold it on with several elastic bands. Now there is very little waste and my hands don't get wet:mrgreen: I drop in the stick before leaving for work (well before the fish wake up), so my fish have something to nibble on until I get home for their regular feedings.


Alberta-newb 01-01-2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by my2rotties (Post 373041)
...I have lots of PVC pipe and that is the best idea ever!!! How do you attach it to the tank or do you let it drop down? My tank is 30" deep and it is hard to get to the bottom on a good day.

Sounds like a 33" piece is in order! It's not pretty to look at but I pull it out when company comes:mrgreen:


Originally Posted by my2rotties (Post 373041)
These forums have been the best tool for knowledge and friendship for me, and I don't know what I would do without them!!!

Absolutely! As a newb myself, this forum has helped me learn more than any book or LFS!

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