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banditpowdercoat 06-15-2008 01:14 AM

LMAO, creative writing skills at it's best folks Mwahahahahaha.

EmilyB 06-15-2008 05:51 AM

Don't you just want to give him your hard earned money...oops tagging along....:lol:

WuHT 06-15-2008 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by restless (Post 330007)
Yes Burnaby to Surrey is quite far you could always get a room at a hotel and spend the night here or go to Abbortsford get a plane to Richmond and a taxi back to Burnaby it must be hard for a person like you to do a water change. oh well head down *** up keep trying.
thanks any way

?? I'd say doing a water change is harder than taking pictures.
thanks any way

dsaundry 06-15-2008 07:49 AM

Better yet, he can put a "for sale" sign on the tank, put it on the back of a pickup and he can then drive all around and hope that somebody see's it and makes him an offer...hopefully on the tank and not the bump..:lol:

brizzo 06-15-2008 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Restless
one mans gold another mans junk so I guess now that you are making room you want to buy my tank now .


(PS: Be sure to look at previous restless posts!!)

restless 06-15-2008 05:52 PM

Ok you are all correct when I started this hobby it was nothing to drive and look for live worms drift wood and if some one was asking for a price for some thing which was always about 1/3 of the price you did not ask if a bmw came with it you new how much some one paid for it and if you wanted you got it I am still old school I don't cut peoples prices when they are already giving you a deal your not doing the seller a favor by buying some thing second hand you are doing your self a favor buy not paying full price I do not have a camera I do not even know how to put it on a computer all I know I have round tank a round water bucket and I want around $615 for it. I think it would be much easier for the seller if he just gave what he was selling away for free then he would not have to through all the extras in for nothing.

CLINT 06-15-2008 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by restless (Post 330174)
I think it would be much easier for the seller if he just gave what he was selling away for free then he would not have to through all the extras in for nothing.

I dont need any extras but Ill take the tank for FREE though.Clint

Sushiman 06-15-2008 07:41 PM

Mr.Restless, I'm really not surewhat you are rambling (and you are rambling, re-read your thread if you like) on about but let me just say this then I am off this silly thread. This board is full of people who have been in the aquarium hobby for years. I myself started this hobby nearly thirty years ago, I was breeding & wholesaling Angels & Rams when I was in high school. It drove my Mother nuts. Your "old school" comments can stop any time. You are not the only person to ever collect in the field BTW.
The simple fact is you are asking top dollar for an item that does not hold it's value except in very specific circumstances. i.e.:Starfire. If you are not going to take the time or effort to provide details of a sale that is quite the standard on every board that I have been to, please do not be surprized when folks start asking you questions. Also, don't be surprized to recieve feedback of this nature when you are just plain rude & offensive.
Good luck with your sale, may I recommend

PoonTang 06-15-2008 07:42 PM

one word....Punctuation

skabooya 06-15-2008 07:58 PM

thats one big run on sentence

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