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UnderWorldAquatics 03-25-2008 08:46 PM

Please feed your fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone that has a Naso Tang that is slow growing has either poor water quality and or poor feeding!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your average Naso that you purchase at 4" in length should be pushing 12"+ within 1 year. Your average feeder goldfish reaches 12"-18", but in reality they are usually feed a crap diet and live in dirty water and reach a measely few inches in length......Alot of marine species that we commonly keep have life spans of 20+ years, when you purchase your "little" fish they are a juvinile!!! as in "baby" expect to still be caring for them when your kids have left home.your Naso possibly led a very short life with a major in starvation. Naso tangs should look like a football and are very expensive to feed!!! I should start a new thread about this epedemic in our industry.........I dont mean to pick on any one person, I think most folks strive to care for their livestock but fail due to misinformation, and simple iggnorance(they just dont know). at least with forums such as this one, we as a collective can help educate one another.

untamed 03-25-2008 09:24 PM

I tend to agree (although with less exclamation marks). My experience with Naso elegans, Naso vlamingi and Naso literatus is that they are eating machines and grow rapidy on a healthy diet. My elegans has gone through the same sizes you mention is about 1 year, and my vlamingi has gone from 1.5" to 3.5" in about 2 months!

Mind you... I give credit for keeping a fish for 7 years. A lot of people do worse than that and it must have been sad to lose him. Also, if you are the 2nd owner of the fish there could have been some history that prevented him from growing normally that we don't know about.

fishoholic 03-25-2008 09:48 PM

Hummmm, I bought a naso tang and an emperor angel from the same store about five months ago. I feed lots of mysis, pellets, nori and cyclopeeze every day. Both fish eat lots and I have good water quality, however since I bought them my emperor went from two inches to about 3 1/2", and the naso has gone from two inches to almost three. So far my Naso tang who is very heathly does not seem to be growing as fast as others suggested he should be, any ideas why?

untamed 03-25-2008 10:54 PM

Mine eat Nori like cows eat grass. The elegans alone eats about 1/2 sheet (about 8" x 6"?) of Nori every day and will swallow a 1" square piece in a single mouthful. He's maybe 7" at this point.

His name is "Moe"...partly because of how he eats. Also, a similarity to cows at the other end of things as well....

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