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Phanman 11-14-2007 04:22 PM

Thx guys, i guess the real question i was trying to ask is if i could get away with just the Tek5 fixture for sps. and get good polp ext. and color. But for an extra few hundred i might as well go all the way.

Now another question for you guys. I can get my hands on an ATI 48" 6x54W Powermodule T5. Is this fixture way better then the aquatinics?

Thanks for helping, i really want to make the right decision here, and not have to upgrade the lighting right away.

Oh and ill be starting a tank journal once the tank is fully cleaned and ready for plumbing assembly :biggrin:

Delphinus 11-14-2007 04:53 PM

Honestly, I seriously doubt one is going to notice a significant difference at this level of lighting. Ie., I'd be surprised if you found yourself kicking yourself in the butt thinking "Man oh man WHY oh WHY did I buy the ATI instead of the Aquactinics?" (or vice versa).

I could be wrong, but that's my take on it nonetheless. :) I'm sure either fixture will give very good results.

If it was me, I'd go with whatever fixture suits your budget, tastes, and what's easier to order. If they are otherwise equivalent in these factors then I dunno how to pick one over the other. Good luck! And I can't wait to see the tank in action! :)

golfbomber 11-14-2007 05:50 PM

no matter what you pick don't go with the sls tek, the par sux compared to the other simply due to the fan and individual reflectors.

kwirky 11-14-2007 09:22 PM

If you put a lighting fixture into your hood, your hood fans will swirl air around the fixture but won't directly deal with air trapped inside the fixture. A fixture with active cooling built in will give you 30-50% more light output.

You could install fans in the Tek light fixture if you feel like voiding your warranty. Just don't install a 120cfm 50db noise-monster like I did lol

As for overdriven T5's, normal HO T5's are super bright as it is. I was bleaching a lot of my corals even in the lower extremities of my 24" tall tank with my teklight 8 bulb unit (over a 120g 48x24x24).

I'm trying MH next over my new tank to see how I like it compared to the T5 fixture I had before. I like the idea of versatility in MH's. They work for all sorts of lengths and widths in case you're upgrading the tank down the road. And the new advancements in reflectors is making MH's just as new and exciting as T5's new bulbs (fiji pink for instance).

And "picking the right such-and-such technology so I don't have to buy it again" never works according to plan ;). I've noticed reef equipment is almost like computers and they become obsolete to something else in a short period.

Oh and that ATI fixture's supposed to be the best you can get in north america. Dig around in RC for Grim's thread on the ATI fixture if you like

fkshiu 11-14-2007 09:55 PM

Oh yeah, that ATI fixture is supposedly "da bomb", as they say, when it comes to T5 fixtures. May be a bit of a chore getting one up to Canada, though.

Skimmerking 11-14-2007 10:38 PM

I just purchased the new T-5 * bulbs tek system for my 120 gal. on the tek system each bulbs has its own reflector, and that is what you want dont buy the huge reflector that goes over all the bulbs you won't get the spread that you need and require. Wendall at oceanaquatics gave me a smoking deal on my 8 bulb fixture and a smoking deal on thebulbs too.


golfbomber 11-14-2007 11:32 PM

Does the new Tek unit have built in fans? If not it will significantly reduce par output readings after hour of running. the key is to have individual reflectors and air movement around the bulbs for optimal output for par.

kwirky 11-15-2007 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by fkshiu (Post 281404)
Oh yeah, that ATI fixture is supposedly "da bomb", as they say, when it comes to T5 fixtures. May be a bit of a chore getting one up to Canada, though.

I thought Albert at Gold's can get it?

Phanman 11-15-2007 04:31 PM

Thx for the help guys, i dont know if albert can get the ATI units in but i know he has the aquatinics in stock.

Phanman 11-15-2007 06:48 PM

Ok one last question before I make my decision.

Is the Aquactinics Solar Flare better then the Constellation? I was reading the specs and it looks better but i just want to confirm this before I make my choice.

I read Grims thread on RC and he says that the Solar Flare and the ATI Power Module are the 2 best fixtures output wise. He doesnt compare the constellation against the ATI so im not too sure.


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