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michika 06-23-2007 02:54 AM

I'm guilty of the dehumidifier!
Also guilty of the repetative board checking, although I do it while studying, and in class. Horrible horrible habit.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-23-2007 03:09 AM

You know you're a reefer when you decide to buy the place you're renting instead of risking moving the reef tank & risking casualties.


Scavenger 06-23-2007 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 257180)
You know you're a reefer when you decide to buy the place you're renting instead of risking moving the reef tank & risking casualties.



Midknight 06-23-2007 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 257180)
You know you're a reefer when you decide to buy the place you're renting instead of risking moving the reef tank & risking casualties.


Then you decide... Well since I own the place I can get a bigger tank and move your corals any way. :wink:

tang daddy 06-23-2007 07:34 AM

um tell your g-friend or wife that you're goin out for a walk with the dog but actually visit all the lfs to see what's new. (this also works with takin the kids!)

Sit infront of your tank for countless hrs staring wishing you had a bigger one with one of everything.

Come home from work just to feed your tanks say hi to the fishies and then double back shush don't tell my boss:lol:

michika 06-23-2007 03:00 PM

- You've taken a sick day to look after your tank.
- You've arranged your vacation, or off days, around which LFSs you can visit, or when they are bringing in new stock.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-23-2007 04:49 PM

... your last few vacations for the past 5 years were going:

to Calgary to pickup a tank with your buddy & driving right back to Vancouver in a 23 hr round-trip.

to Powell River to visit a fellow reefer, drop off corals & pick up corals.

to Port Alberni to visit another reefer.

to Powell River to build another reefer a 75g sump.

to Nanaimo to attend a frag meet/bbq.

to Keremeos to visit a fellow reefer.

(get the picture:redface: This is what happens when you're a reefer AND an obsessive-compulsive personality!!!)

And never going for more than 4 days for fear your tank will crash in the meantime.

Zylumn 06-24-2007 10:28 PM

- Your favorite Sunday shirt has salt stains on the sleeves

- You don't blink an eye about using your last clean towel to wipe up a water-change spill

- People look at you strange in a restaurant when you try to get a siphon going using a straw between two cups of water.

- You go to a Sushi restaurant and consider taking a doggie bag home for your fish.

Scavenger 06-24-2007 10:59 PM

-when your arms and hands look and feel like a dead animal hide that has been baking in the desert sun for the last five years.

-when you are on a first name basis with the chopper pilot who hovers over your house weekly taking heat emission readings.

-when your electric bill resembles your mortgage.

-when you had to put 3/4 inch bolts on the electric meter to keep it from spinning right off the house.

-when you construct a play castle in the yard for the kids constructed completely out of empty salt buckets.

-when you replace drywall on a monthly basis.

-when guests put on their sunglasses after they enter your house.

Delphinus 06-25-2007 12:29 AM

- You know that the most foul, most vile smell in the world is that of a dead snail.

- You know that the most foul, most vile smell in the world is that of a dead anemone.

- You know that the most foul, most vile smell in the world is that of your arm, after a leather coral has slimed you.

- You know what "coralfinger" means.

- In fact, you know all manner of things you've never imagined you'd ever smell!!

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