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crystalz 05-30-2007 02:31 AM

I have a 78 gal rectangular. righthand overflow. 1 rio 20 hf split 3 ways through locline. Softies and LPS... rio flows approx 900gph

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-30-2007 02:50 AM

Using Tunze Nanostreams & Hydor Koralia4 right now in my 220g reef.


vanreefer 05-30-2007 03:05 AM

180 gal (48x28x32) Dart on a closed loop with 4 returns, PCX-40 for a return, and a 6100 on a controller with plans too add another 6100 on a branch adapter)

Snappy 05-30-2007 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by danny zubot (Post 253900)
Tell me about what you use for flow and don't forget to tell me what size/shape you tank is.:biggrin:

And you?

Sebae again 05-30-2007 05:17 AM

Trilinearmipmap I have a 90 with a mag 12 return a 1 inch split to 2 - 3/4 split to 4 1/2 inch . I added 2 H.K. #1 one to each side. Just the right amount of flow for my plate corals ,clams and donuts. Still using sugar ?

Delphinus 05-30-2007 05:36 AM

75g (48x18x20) - 4xMJ12 on wavemaker, one in each corner, left side and right sides are together and pointed at each other to get the "back and forth" effect.

110g (30x30x30) - 2xStream6100 on multicontroller, left and right, alternating to the "back and forth" effect. Plus a serious amount of flow from the sump return (I don't recommend this approach at all, don't make your sump return a main source of water flow in the tank).

In my opinion, cube tanks suck to get a good flow pattern happening because there just isn't enough length of tank to get a good wash going. For every drop (so to speak) of water that goes one way, there's a drop going the other way.

I'm going to be moving my streams into my 280g if/when that ever happens, in which case I'll either change the cube into a Seio on a Wavysea waving back and forth to get the "back and forth" effect. Or I might just put two 802 powerheads on a wavemaker.

Or I might just tear the tank down, I haven't quite decided what I want to do with it yet.

40g (24x24x12), 4 powerheads (2 MJ12, 2 Hagen 301's), on wavemakers plus SCWD on sump return. Not too bad of an alternating pattern but again kind of hard to get a really good pattern going on account of the weird shape of the tank.

danny zubot 05-30-2007 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by danny zubot
Tell me about what you use for flow and don't forget to tell me what size/shape you tank is.:biggrin:

And you?
Right now I have 2 MJ1200 & 1 JBJ ?? in the tank. I'm trying to get a idea of what works well for people for when I get my Cube going. I was planning on a closed loop but as Tony said they can be a pain because of their shape. So I might have to be creative.

I have a line on a Dart (3600 GPH) for the closed loop, and I was thinking of having the returns come through the eurobracing. Maybe I'll acquire a 4 way controller for it. Any thoughts?

mark 05-30-2007 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by danny zubot (Post 254028)

Right now I have 2 MJ1200 & 1 JBJ ?? in the tank. I'm trying to get a idea of what works well for people for when I get my Cube going. I was planning on a closed loop but as Tony said they can be a pain because of their shape. So I might have to be creative.

I have a line on a Dart (3600 GPH) for the closed loop, and I was thinking of having the returns come through the eurobracing. Maybe I'll acquire a 4 way controller for it. Any thoughts?

Cube with OM 4-way bottom drilled, here

justinl 05-30-2007 07:16 PM

currently my 60gal just has 2 x MJ 1200. Its a little on the low side because it has a frogfish and will have a lion. both of which require lower flow.

I run my 8gal biocube with a stock pump (106gph i think), but i may upgrade to an MJ600.

Discustopia 05-30-2007 07:51 PM

Closed loop on my 250 is to be controlled by two true union rebuildable ball valves on continuous rotation spun by disco ball motors at 3rpm. Cost was half of an OM 4way and allows me to run 1-1/2" piping throughout. I also have a damper motor to controll the overall flow which I plan to connect to the moonlight output of my Aq. controller to vary the intensity automatically.

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