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Keana 05-01-2007 09:57 PM

All the time...
and he know's it..... Whatever I tell him he just bumps it up by a third anyway. Still he doesn't care. He loves looking in to the tank as much as I do.

DJKoop 05-01-2007 11:02 PM

I'm lucky. The wife doesn't mind me spending all the free money I want on tank related items including livestock. She loves the hobby as well.

Quagmire 05-01-2007 11:13 PM

I always answer truthfully when asked about the tank,I also never lie when asked "do these pants make my butt look fat",and when asked "What are you thinking" I tell them.And they say a good relationship is based on honesty.
Still single,what am I doing wrong? :mrgreen:

PoonTang 05-01-2007 11:18 PM

Not yet because she loves the fish as much as I do. Really a $40 fish is not a problem, it's the $300 skimmer I just bought and the $1200 lights I want to get that are really blowing her mind. Trying to explain why you REALLY need these items isnt so easy.

Der_Iron_Chef 05-01-2007 11:25 PM

Nope. :smile:

Zylumn 05-02-2007 03:31 AM

My wife doesn't ask but when she does I will answer honestly but then there goes the big buys LOL.

fishytime 05-02-2007 04:51 AM

Just fib a little.... more often just try to sneak somthing in and when she asks "whats that" I say "I dont know how that got there...must be a hitchhiker".

King of the Sea 05-02-2007 05:10 AM

Truth comes out
well its good to here its not just me hell ive bought new fish put them in she looks at it everyday and doesn't even notice then i get annoyed shes so blind and end up telling on myself its a cruel cycle maybe ill seek help one day.:evil:

SuperFudge 05-02-2007 04:31 PM

My gf doesnt care really, but if i take a good chunk of change for something i just tell her to do the same, most likley `cus i cant stand to have anything that can be used against me or out of a court of law.


Chowder 05-02-2007 04:44 PM

I got it used..... It's amasing the guy I bought it from had the original packaging ..... it doesn't even look used......What a deal.

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