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Der_Iron_Chef 04-07-2007 07:08 PM

Nothing to recommend that others haven't already. I hope the angel pulls through....good luck.

andsoitgoes 04-07-2007 08:25 PM

So far so good, another update from the wife that everyone, INCLUDING mr. man is having a blast. I'll do a WC tonight to clean the crum out and run some carbon...

Y'know - What's the best option for doing carbon in a tank without any HOB or fluidized filters? I'm thinking of just tossing a HOB on for the next few days to help, but that seems a little... well, odd :)

BTW - Info on the accident that took out the power:

justinl 04-07-2007 08:52 PM

glad to hear your stuff is okay! ive heard of people just putting carbon in a filter sock and just floating it in front of a powerhead. *shrug* it could work even if it is a bit crude and... well ugly.

about the crash: heavy. hope those three at the hospital are okay. ten bucks and a soda says speeding was involved.

andsoitgoes 04-07-2007 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by justinl (Post 245391)
glad to hear your stuff is okay! ive heard of people just putting carbon in a filter sock and just floating it in front of a powerhead. *shrug* it could work even if it is a bit crude and... well ugly.

about the crash: heavy. hope those three at the hospital are okay. ten bucks and a soda says speeding was involved.

Actually that makes a lot of sense, either that or I'll just put it in a quickfilter and toss that onto my powerhead. So simple, and I'm here thinking so complex, sounds about normal!

To add, I bet there was more than just speed involved. Looking at 88th closer to KG, there were a few more signposts and small trees taken out. Apparently the crash scene was just *insane*, you couldn't even tell what vehicle was involved.

Swordtail 04-07-2007 09:22 PM

If you lost any livestock, I would call BC Hydro .Tell them you had a power outage and lost some livestock.They' will tell you it was from an MVA and give a claim # asscociated with the accident.An adjuster will send you some papers to fill out.They will cover the first $500 no deductable,anything above that goes thru house insurance.

andsoitgoes 04-07-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Swordtail (Post 245397)
If you lost any livestock, I would call BC Hydro .Tell them you had a power outage and lost some livestock.They' will tell you it was from an MVA and give a claim # asscociated with the accident.An adjuster will send you some papers to fill out.They will cover the first $500 no deductable,anything above that goes thru house insurance.

Y'know, one would think I'd have some clue about this due to the fact that I work for ICBC, but nope - didn't even occur to me! VERY nice, I don't want to abuse it, but I'll have to check and see if all is good. heh. Thanks!

justinl 04-07-2007 09:54 PM

awesome! I did NOT know that! ... yeah i uhhhh lost my uhhh... dragon eel. yeah that's it. 500$ please:biggrin:

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