Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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Fugu 01-02-2007 04:28 AM

If the sump is 24in I am totally in!

Gujustud 01-02-2007 04:22 PM

Seio pumps have been sold.

I know I said I'd post up more details about the rest of the stuff, but I've been crazy busy with new years, plus all my family just came back into town over a few days, so I've been busy with them. I will get the rest of the details up with pricing in the next few days.

maron6977 01-02-2007 05:14 PM

I have e-mailed & PM. I am still interested in lighting. Thanks Mark

Gujustud 01-11-2007 06:11 AM

Finally got around to updating this post with prices and pics! Take a look at the first post.

1bigstud 01-11-2007 06:41 AM

Interested in the hydrometer, work horse 7 and actnic bulb please let me know whats available.

1bigstud 01-24-2007 03:15 AM

Still havent gotten a reply from you. What have you got left??

Gujustud 02-22-2007 03:59 PM

bump, lots of items still avaliable. Ballast and Hydrometer are being held at the moment.

trilinearmipmap 02-22-2007 07:23 PM

I have a question about the auto-topoff.

Is the voltage on the float switch safe? What I mean is, does the float switch operate at regular household 120 Volts, or is a 9-volt or 12-volt float switch that then can switch on a powerhead via a relay?

Gujustud 02-22-2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap (Post 237000)
I have a question about the auto-topoff.

Is the voltage on the float switch safe? What I mean is, does the float switch operate at regular household 120 Volts, or is a 9-volt or 12-volt float switch that then can switch on a powerhead via a relay?

Honestly, I'm not 100% sure. I would double check with them directly. You can email them at

1bigstud 02-23-2007 06:08 AM

Thanks for the ballast!! Cant wait to set it all up!!!

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