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Moogled 12-09-2006 12:21 AM

Oh, come on Bob.

All he's missing is punctuation! :P It can't be as bad as the paragraph-long sentences that we sometimes see here.

I only have 2 finals this semester, woohoo!

Bob I 12-09-2006 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Moogled (Post 224095)
Oh, come on Bob.

All he's missing is punctuation! :P It can't be as bad as the paragraph-long sentences that we sometimes see here.

I only have 2 finals this semester, woohoo!

Really:question: only punctuation:question: How about jsut, workin, finishin, artacle,anlaysis, and its. :question::question:

Tarolisol 12-09-2006 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bob I (Post 224075)
Is spelling included in these exams :question:

BOB arn't you like 80, the last test you took was an eye exam. We are the learned ones so dont hate on our spelling. :P

muck 12-09-2006 01:12 AM

Im sure bob meant it as a joke/jab. I thought it was funny Bob. :lol:

EmilyB 12-09-2006 03:13 AM

Actually, if Bob hadn't posted I would have. :lol:

Eye exam....bwahahahahahahahhaha....:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, and he didn't mention the lack of capitals on the beginning of a new sentence. Hell, if the school system can't teach you, at least let us !

kwirky 12-09-2006 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 224055)
take home exams? wtf? are you taking those underwater basketweaving courses? try 3 hours of organic chemistry. I think thats where I lost most of my brain cells :razz:

lol no, it's for a social science course called Situating Science and Technology, and for a New Media History course. I've spent about 8 hours on my SOSC take home already and i'm still not done yet. It's supposed to be about 3000 words. the new media history take home is a piece of cake though.

in art school there isn't much for exams. just buttloads of work to be shown at the end of the semester in a thing we call "final critiques" where you show EVERYTHING you've done for the entire semester, and they hand you the letter grade for the entire course right then and there. Very stressful. we have 18 hour days just like all the other majors ;)

exee 12-09-2006 03:25 AM

I have 6 exams next week :(

Moogled 12-09-2006 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Bob I (Post 224100)
Really:question: only punctuation:question: How about jsut, workin, finishin, artacle,anlaysis, and its. :question::question:

j00 r so of t3h r1ght.

h0w3v3r, 1 f3lt th4t 0v3r5crut1n1z1ng t3h p05t w0u1d m4k3 1t 13ss "funn4y"!

Tarolisol 12-09-2006 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Moogled (Post 224156)
j00 r so of t3h r1ght.

h0w3v3r, 1 f3lt th4t 0v3r5crut1n1z1ng t3h p05t w0u1d m4k3 1t 13ss "funn4y"!

I cant belive i can read that, and kuddos on the correct punctuation.

Quinn 12-11-2006 02:49 AM

I write the last exam of my undergraduate career on the 15th... finally, disposable income again.

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