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anglfish 09-11-2006 05:33 AM

Another Hitchhiker
1 Attachment(s)
During my usual 1 hour/day tank watch :eek: I found another hitchhiker. Pretty sure it came in with some soft coral I bought the other day. I tried to take a decent pictures for 2 nights but this one seems to be rather shy. It definitely is a crab and I searched the reference section already but was not able to identify yet. It looks similar to the Xanthidae which as a read is bad news.
Here is a description
  • 1 1/2 - 2 inches
  • smal dark red pinchers, pincher arm seems to be same width then other legs
  • striped legs
  • flat body
  • a bit hairy
  • seems to be grazing off the rock
  • nocturnal

Here is the best I could get:

Attachment 579

Lemme know if you can identify this one.


1bigstud 09-11-2006 06:43 AM

I cant see them either

anglfish 09-11-2006 06:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by 1bigstud
I cant see them either

do you mean the pictures from the hitchhiker crab?

I had to take off the pictures from the beginning of the thread as I ran out of space.

By the way I got another real good look!
This beast is really hairy! Almost looked like orange hair? Kinda cute.

I attached another picture - this time just as file. Hope this works better.

by the way - how does one get more space to save pictures. it seems I always run out after 2-4 pictures :neutral:

Renegade 09-11-2006 09:25 AM

or me

Johnny Reefer 09-11-2006 03:34 PM

Honestly, you'll have to post a better picture than what you've posted already, before anyone can even attempt to help you. I can't even be sure where the crab is, let alone trying to ID it.
(Reminds me of a contest the Vancouver Sun ran in the '70s called "Where's The Puck". A picture of game action of the Canucks would be run, with the puck removed. The object was to guess where the puck was).:smile:


OCDP 09-11-2006 03:42 PM

Look for macro mode on your camera.. your trying to zoom in or something and getting a blurred picture. If you don't know how to use macro mode , check out your user guide for the camera.

andrewsk 09-11-2006 03:53 PM

I think that is a picture of Italy. :)


Originally Posted by anglfish
do you mean the pictures from the hitchhiker crab?

I had to take off the pictures from the beginning of the thread as I ran out of space.

By the way I got another real good look!
This beast is really hairy! Almost looked like orange hair? Kinda cute.

I attached another picture - this time just as file. Hope this works better.

by the way - how does one get more space to save pictures. it seems I always run out after 2-4 pictures :neutral:

marie 09-11-2006 04:24 PM


by the way - how does one get more space to save pictures. it seems I always run out after 2-4 pictures :neutral:
Get a photobucket account, it's free and posting pictures is easy, just copy and paste the img line

anglfish 09-11-2006 07:00 PM

:lol: ahh you guys.

you a right my camera sucks. instead of spending all my money and more on the tank I should seriously upgrade my camera...

it has a macro mode and I know how to use is (thanks for asking though), but the problem is that at night with just the moon led light on I can't see on what I zoom in. have tried it a few times and found that some surrounding rocks are real clear but not the crab that I actually wanted to have on the picture. so I'm pretty blind and just shoot 100 pictures hoping that I can zoom in on the file but .... well.. that doesn't work as we can all see, (or not see for the people that don't even see the attachment)

I guess I will have to wait and see what happens. Even if it is a Xanthid (or whatever they are called) non of the articles I read really went into details "how" destructive they are. He seems pretty cute and was just eating some algae off the rock. could there really be a :twised: waiting to be released?

does the form of the pincher give away whether the crab is predatory or not?

how would one even catch a crab without taken all rocks out?

Midknight 09-11-2006 07:07 PM

Try this, get an extra pair of hands (ask someone, it is easier than growing your own) find your crab and have the person spotlight it with a bigflashlight then flash the pics before he has the chance to run.

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