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neptune9824 04-05-2006 02:35 AM

The thing I hate most about these situations is that once the person is caught there never seems to be anything done. Look at the man who only got three years for producing numerous amounts of photographs of him assaulting kids. They had evidence on him committing the crimes however he still only gets three years. This man also assaulted numerous amounts of people in the past.

It is these types of situations that make me really think about having children. Sure I cant prevent them from some things but not everything and crimes like this can destroy a child. It would be nice if we could even have support from the justice system.

Sorry I feel like screaming. Thanks for letting me vent.

StirCrazy 04-05-2006 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Beverly
when the school involved, which is just across the street from us where our daughter attended Jr. High, and the EPS posted notices in our building's foyer

Is Oliver a primary to Jr. High now? I didn't think there were any schools in Edmonton that were grade 1 through 9


Matt 04-05-2006 01:36 PM

Oliver School has an elementary program, and also hosts the "Nellie McLung" Jr. High program. It is an all-girl's Jr. High.

TheGr8Blade 04-05-2006 01:38 PM


tie him down and let the mother of the girl at him
I agree with this one too. Hell hath no fury as a womans scorn!

Beverly 04-05-2006 02:21 PM

A quote from today's story on the event ....


Police spokesman Jeff Wuite said officers have investigated several leads from numerous tips phoned in to a special phone line at 944-3712.
The rest of today's story. Don't know why they did not post the sketch of this guy like they did in today's newspaper ....

woodcarver 04-05-2006 07:31 PM

I would think a guy with that description would stand out like a sore thumb ,someone must recognize him!
This is obviously a very sick person who needs to be confined for the protection of the public.

dufferdan 04-05-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Beermaster
The Scary thing is, My 2 oldest where at the local swimming pool here in the grove on Sunday, where a Black man came up to them and gave $5 for the vending machines :eek:

They took the money, but they ensist that he didnt ask for anything and just left, we have notified the TLC and now thinking maybe i should call the RCMP out here as well

WE have had this discussion with our kids over and over, but sunday was the worst i think they have heard it from us

Side note. I don't think his color is relevent. And he may have just been friendly an nice. :redface:

lil_clownfish13 04-06-2006 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Beermaster
The Scary thing is, My 2 oldest where at the local swimming pool here in the grove on Sunday, where a Black man came up to them and gave $5 for the vending machines

no the scary thing is that people are still scared of BLACK people! If a white man gave your kids money for the vending machines, you'd probably think he was some nice man..

I feel sorry for the little girl, but im happy she wasn't raped...

But I feel really REALLY sorry for the scores and scores of black men who fit that general description who will be pulled over and harrassed until they find this man... because i wouldn't wish to subject anyone to the harrassment that our racist police force can dish out...

Just my two cents.

midgetwaiter 04-06-2006 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by dufferdan
Side note. I don't think his color is relevent. And he may have just been friendly an nice. :redface:

Why do people always have to go looking for stuff like this?

I read that as a descriptive term used in the same way you would say white, tall, fat, old, asian or purple. As for relevance, the description of the guy who attacked the girl in the school was of someone with black skin.


Originally Posted by lil_clownfish13
no the scary thing is that people are still scared of BLACK people! If a white man gave your kids money for the vending machines, you'd probably think he was some nice man..

Now that's just offensive, I think you owe Beemaster an apology. He's given you absolutely no reason to asume that.

Beermaster 04-06-2006 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by lil_clownfish13
no the scary thing is that people are still scared of BLACK people! If a white man gave your kids money for the vending machines, you'd probably think he was some nice man..

Okay WTF!! I dont care the the damn colour of a person is! you come up and give my kids Money, Candy, Toys, or whatever and yea I am going to be concerned, who the hell are you to think just because he was black that i would be more concered? on a sidenote, do you even know what colour i am?


Originally Posted by dufferdan
Side note. I don't think his color is relevent. And he may have just been friendly an nice.

The relevence of his skin colour was due to what happened at a school here in edmonton, where a little girl was sexual assaulted by a black man!

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