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TheReefGeek 03-07-2006 02:18 PM

Yep, checked the pic again, the label on top says turbofloater.

Is it the Turbofloter 5000 with twin 3500s then?

I thought my G6 was tall. :)

Fras 03-07-2006 03:05 PM

Thats sick! Nice photchop too! LOL

prosnow 03-07-2006 03:50 PM

ya,that was about 2 seconds of photoshop...never was good @ it, hahaha and what can i say, that picture was taken after working a 14 hour day :(

Richard_Dicosimo 03-08-2006 03:27 AM

dual turbo floater 5000 with 2 aquamedic ocean runner 3500 pumps at 900 gal per hour each just to circulate the skimmer and u need a 1000+ gal/hr pump to feed the skimmer.

G1GY 03-08-2006 03:33 AM

What plans do you have for it?

WRXchic 03-08-2006 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by prosnow
Was @ big al's tonight, and saw this guy walking out with that giant skimmer, man thats things HUGE!, Whoever you are that bought it, post up a pic of u standing beside it!

It's great your buddy got the skimmer, I would pass out if I see a skimmer like that in my living room.
How big a tank you need to run it full potenial?
One thing I don't understand, you said, "...saw this guy walking out with that giant skimmer...". Didn't you recongize your buddy or his car?

G1GY 03-08-2006 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by WRXchic
It's great your buddy got the skimmer, I would pass out if I see a skimmer like that in my living room.
How big a tank you need to run it full potenial?
One thing I don't understand, you said, "...saw this guy walking out with that giant skimmer...". Didn't you recongize your buddy or his car?


I thought the same thing, but didn't want to say it.

So now that WRXchick has opened the can of worms............ Please enlighten us prosnow. :lol:

prosnow 03-08-2006 05:31 AM

guess he bought it off the guy. lol, sorry should have cleared that up earlyer on! haha

Richard_Dicosimo 03-09-2006 05:45 AM

i dont know if u can call what i have for that skimmer plans or dreams, but either way im part way there. id like to have a 600-1000 gal tank plywood with fish room behind but the way i want to do it is the reason i want to hold off. i basically want to make the fishroom and tank area almost a secondary building inside my house so that its completely closed and possably pressurized to keep the humid air in the room/expelled outdoors.


bulletsworld 03-12-2006 07:09 AM

little late in seeing this...but WOWZERS!

I must say...I loved your Photoshop work. Was awesomely funny! :lol: :lol:

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