Oh this is new, a newbie with an attitude
Oops... was this an unproductive post...
Not if your trying to increase this board's reputation for haveing experienced members who look down on others. :lol:
Was that productive? :question: :confused:
But ive seen lots of anemones in peoples care but ive never seen anyone with a cuttlefish, its like and octopus or a jellyfish they require special care, most of the cuttlefish that you see in LFS are cool water ones but how many people have a cool water tank?
The fact that you have never seen one, and that they are starting show more regularly now, doesn't mean that people shouldn't keep them. The hobby has to evolve, and that has to happen by people participating.
Now, if you were thinking that I was going to take one and toss it in a goldfish bowl, then you'd be right to worry about the cuttlefish.
You'd also be wrong to assume that I haven't done a lot of research on them.