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rickjames 06-12-2005 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Beverly
Very nice rock layout and the BB :cool: Watch out for the yellow clown goby. Mine nipped at corals.

These ones have a dead spot on the one coral that they constantly lay eggs on. Other then that, they ignore the rest of the corals.

Murminator 06-12-2005 05:18 AM

WOW I really love that .....BEER :razz:

megatron_55 06-12-2005 05:52 AM

DaAaNnGg!! . . . NoIcE dUdE!! . . .

StirCrazy 06-12-2005 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by rickjames
No I'm making a door for it, just so many things to do and so little time :razz:

ya thats what Brad kept telling me, for two years :mrgreen:

Just teasin ya, well realy teasing Brad but you know hehe.


rickjames 06-13-2005 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by NaCL H20 REEFER
Brennan Nice setup there buds. Have you thought about sticking a foam on the top of the return of the skimmer .


Never thought about that, do you mean for filtration? One thing I am thinking about now is some kind of strainer for the skimmer pump intake. I had a piece of rock from my other tank in there and my peppermint shrimp was sucked in to it! I found some pieces of it in the foam at the bottom of the skimmer return :redface:


Originally Posted by StirCrazy
ya thats what Brad kept telling me, for two years #mrgreen

Just teasin ya, well realy teasing Brad but you know hehe.


:lol: I've been told I'm not allowed to use cardboard as a screen under any circumstances! :mrgreen:

Bryan 06-14-2005 01:45 AM

You may want to check your skimmer for a plug in the tiny little hole where the white tubing meet the gray plastic pece. When mine plugs up it sprays the water out much faster than it should, much like your pic shows. I actually drilled mine out a litttle more and it increase the amount of foam in the body.

rickjames 06-14-2005 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Bryan
You may want to check your skimmer for a plug in the tiny little hole where the white tubing meet the gray plastic pece. When mine plugs up it sprays the water out much faster than it should, much like your pic shows. I actually drilled mine out a litttle more and it increase the amount of foam in the body.

Thanks for the tip! The skimmer seems to have settled down now, and the water just flows straight down the tube. I think it was just going a little crazy as I had adjusted the outlet tube shortly before taking the picture.

Skimmerking 06-14-2005 02:41 AM

NO Bren i mean that to take some of the bubbles away. if you have them .....

and it will cut down on the splash too.

shadowboy 06-14-2005 04:13 AM

Its funny how everyone compares size of stuff to beer cans...just an observation, and i dont mean anything by it...;-)

rickjames 06-14-2005 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by shadowboy
Its funny how everyone compares size of stuff to beer cans...just an observation, and i dont mean anything by it...;-)

It's the universal measuring tape! :biggrin:

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