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Fish 04-19-2005 03:26 AM

Haha, any day now...
Gotta start checking the thrift stores for a desklamp that I can put the retrofit into. I'll let you know as soon as it comes!

- Chad

Ryan 04-19-2005 03:51 AM

Lethbridge wal mart has some nice ones. You can use those mini rectangular flood light type too.

Fish 05-03-2005 02:41 AM

Finally found one and it's a beaut! Photos pending.

Beermaster 05-03-2005 02:54 AM

okay we are waiting for the pics now!!!!!!!!!!!

are they up yet?

how about now?



AndyL 05-03-2005 04:04 AM

If you're that desperate, they are up on in the lighting section :)


Fish 05-03-2005 04:48 AM

Haha sorry Mark. For some reason it isn't allowing me to upload photos, might be a bug with the new server...
Here is a link to some of them at

- Chad

Beermaster 05-03-2005 05:10 AM

WOw that lighting really made a difference

Looks good

cant wait to see it IRL

outtafocus 05-04-2005 03:10 AM

How is that auto top off system working out?

Fish 05-04-2005 03:58 AM

It is awesome but I have decided to get a smaller version of the same pump. This one that I have is a bit of an overkill. I am planning on selling it and making a little money in the downsize. Something about having a dosing pump that's physically bigger than your tank... :razz:

- Chad

Fish 05-06-2005 02:19 PM

Here's the new lighting:

- Chad

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