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muck 02-05-2005 12:21 AM

Wish I had a computer good enough to run these new games... :frown:
So for now I'll be satisfied with my Xbox... :cool:

Delphinus 02-05-2005 01:17 AM

I was just gonna ask something along those lines .. you guys who game a lot, do you prefer playing them on PCs or on consoles or is it very much a "it depends on what game you want to play" type scenario.

Richer 02-05-2005 02:48 AM

I enjoyed both games quite a bit, though HL2 takes the cake for me.

As for me, I enjoy games both on console and on pc. I generally enjoy first person shooters/space simulation type games (ie. decent, freespace, etc.), RTS games on the computer. The whole keyboard+mouse combination makes those types of games a whole lot easier to play. I basically prefer to play games on the computer if it requires precision aiming and such. I find trying to get a perfect shot with a thumb controller like those found on those console controllers is a big pain in the butt.
Racing games, sports, certain 3rd person shooters (ie. mech assault), I usually reserve for gaming consoles.


mr_alberta 02-05-2005 03:30 AM

*sigh* I wish my laptop could run stuff like this....anyway, back to my 8-bit Nintendo :mrgreen:

Quinn 02-05-2005 03:48 AM

I much prefer PC... in my mind the graphics are better and the keyboard/mouse combo can't be beat. But I've heard good arguments from both sides.

Richer 02-05-2005 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by newguy
*sigh* I wish my laptop could run stuff like this....anyway, back to my 8-bit Nintendo :mrgreen:

You'd be surprised at how inexpensive a mid-high end computer would cost you. Its quite simple to put it together yourself, or for a few extra bucks get a professional to put it together for you. Take a look at . It opened up here just recently.... one of the guys there said that one of their main missions is to bring bcom down to their knees... so I say, good for them!


Quinn 02-05-2005 10:14 PM

Can get a ~2gig system now for under $300... no reason not to these days. There is a perception that computers are expensive... back in the 80s and early 90s when only one in a dozen households had one, they were. But now, they're being pumped out of factories so fast, they're nearly door prizes. Along with Memory Express, there's OEM Express in Calgary and Edmonton and Generic Computer in Vancouver.

Fish 02-09-2005 01:23 AM

I prefer the playability and graphics on a pc WAY more than a console. I was actually shocked at how bad the graphics are on the Xbox Halo2. Really it shouldn't be a surprise though when you consider the harware involved in each. A gaming PC can have a video card alone that costs twice as much as a whole Xbox. Plus, people upgragde their systems twice a year to stay current while a console retains the same hardware until the release of a new console. The one advantage that consoles have is that they command such a large market, they seem to get more attention from developers and there is always an awesome selection of games.
While we're on the subject, does anyone play BF1942/Desert Combat?

- Chad

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