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smokinreefer 04-03-2021 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by kyl (Post 1049207)
No, they tend to end up as very nasty fish to other smaller or similar sized.


How about a pair of Bangaii Cardinals? Another of my favorites, potentially you could get them breeding too.

Dresden 04-03-2021 10:48 PM

I really want a pair and had it on the list originally. I heard they hide most of the time and wasn't sure if they'd be bullied.

May be I'll put them back on the list

Dresden 04-06-2021 12:25 AM


1 Carpenter Flasher Wrasse - DONE
2 Leopard Wrasse
4 Tailspot Blenny - Already Own
5 Sleeper Goby - Already Own
6 Royal Gramma
7 Clown Pair - Already Own
8 Violet Damsel - Already Own

Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Pair
Red Tuxedo Urchin
BTA x 8 (Anyone want to buy some?)

Considerations (Picking one or add suggestions):
Pistol Shrimp/Goby pair
Bangaii Cardinal Pair

Dresden 04-09-2021 05:50 PM

Moved my Tail-spot blenny over yesterday. Was worried the Carpenter Wrasse was lonely.

Wrasse was a bit aggressive in keeping my Tail-Spot grounded and not allowed to swim around freely. Continuing a bit today on day two but leaving him alone if he's not swimming around.


1 Carpenter Flasher Wrasse - DONE
2 Tailspot Blenny - DONE
3 Leopard Wrasse
5 Sleeper Goby - Already Own
6 Royal Gramma
7 Clown Pair - Already Own
8 Violet Damsel - Already Own

Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Pair
Red Tuxedo Urchin
BTA x 8 (Anyone want to buy some?)

Considerations (Picking one or add suggestions):
Pistol Shrimp/Goby pair
Bangaii Cardinal Pair

Dash 04-10-2021 07:23 AM

That carpenter probably thinks he owns the tank now lol. Maybe move over another fish to divert his attention? I kinda regret getting my skunk cleaner - he’s annoyingly grabby, haha. But I can’t give him up.

What kind of bta do you have? I suspect might be the small “acid rain” ones? My clowns didn’t like them

Dresden 04-10-2021 03:43 PM

The Tailspot and Carpenter seems to be swimming without problems now. I hope they become friends.

Yes, I can't get the clowns to host in these BTAs:

Dash 04-10-2021 06:11 PM

The bta’s stay small, right? Multiply quickly?
I ended up with 30-50 of them, and while they were very pretty and didn’t move all over, I finally re-homed them and got a rainbow that was bigger with longer tentacles. (Also don’t split as much thank god). Not saying that’ll do the trick for you, but it worked for me. Might be a good time to do that while you’re setting up new tank

Dresden 04-10-2021 07:54 PM

Yes, good feedback, I have been considering not moving any of my BTAs into the new tank. I think I have 10 or 11 now :(

Dresden 04-13-2021 01:44 AM

I've read some threads that Banggai Cardinals may eat small gobies. Few pics of a Firefish and a Tailspot that were eaten. I might skip the Cardinals now.

Maybe the 3 firefish. Is a RSM 250 big enough for 3?

Dresden 04-16-2021 06:07 PM

After doing more research, I would not try to put 3 Firefish in a RSM 250. I may get 1 Purple Firefish though.

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