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untamed 03-11-2021 08:42 PM

It appears that I have a purchaser. Thanks all!

broutilde 03-11-2021 10:16 PM

I just sent you a PM for Moe. Let me know what you think!

untamed 03-16-2021 12:02 AM

Blonde naso is spoken for. Still looking for a home for the two large nasos...the Vlamingi and the unicorn.


Ryan 03-16-2021 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by dino (Post 1048753)
Its so hard for buyers when sellers do this. so hard to make a offer and know if its ok to the buyer or offensive. most times people say make me a offer then get offended when people do

Its pretty easy to read between the lines. Brad is more worried about getting the fish into the right tank than he is making any money off them.

My guess is the right person with the right tank came along, that would be more important than how many dollars he was paying.

Torontotraders 03-16-2021 06:42 AM

just my two cents...
Definitely right Ryan....Having visited Brad and family a while back a few times for some purchases; I would have to say, he cares tremendously about his (part of the family) pets - This is definitely the case!

You can see the care and love he has invoked, being reflected in the eyes of his fish - He is NOT worried about funds! This man cares about where and how his pets are housed. It's interesting that we may ask for an offer, but it's not the amount of the offer that counts, it's the value of the offer that counts....

untamed 03-21-2021 07:37 PM

Thank you for the kind words.

Yes, I’m not concerned with how much money I can get for the two large nasos. They just need a home. The smaller fish were really easy to move. (I have a fat yellow tang available still)

So spread the word to anyone with a really big display. Freckles and Lance need a home.

Vancouver Aquarium turned me down. Oddly, they said that it was hard to introduce Acanthurus tangs into their displays... an answer that makes no sense. They just heard “tang”

I’m going to approach JL to see if they want to sell them. Not sure if their tank is large enough but it is better than a meat cleaver..

Too expensive to ship them to Tahiti. Water just weighs too much!


msjboy 03-21-2021 10:02 PM

Maybe see if that raf guy at aquatic escapes knows of any clients who wouldn't mind a couple big fish.

Torontotraders 03-21-2021 10:12 PM

I'm moving back to the centre of the universe (AKA Toronto area;) at the end of April) I'll be heading there to set up my new 300 gal build, then heading back to ship my fish from here to there. If you find anyone out on the east coast that's willing and able, I can help out as best I can, however I can; If you have any ideas.

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