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Willow 02-22-2005 02:24 PM

i think the min recommended tank size for a yellow tang is 100 gallons.

Spike 03-17-2005 02:35 AM

I have a yellow tang in a 33 gal tank and it has been great for a few months now. He gets along great with my clown fish too.

Ryan 03-17-2005 04:23 AM

ARE YOU PEOPLE ASKING TO BE FLAMED> TANGS ARE A SCHOOLING FISH BUILT FOR SPEED> THEY NEED BIG TANKS> Even if your tang is an inch long 48 inches is minimum i would keep one it. Gallons dont matter. YOu could have a tank 24 long 24 wide but realy tall you need lenght and width for the fish. get your tangs out of these tiny tanks and into realy homes. How would you like it if you were kept in the closet for your life.

Richer 03-17-2005 04:37 AM

You need to relax Ryan. Yelling at someone isn't going to help anyone, especially this late into the game. If I recall correctly, you didn't exactly follow advice neither.


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