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AquaAddict 09-29-2015 04:53 AM

I have to agree
I have to agree that the new J&L website is not as user friendly as the old one. I also agree with that old saying: if it ain't broke don't fix it!


shiftline 09-29-2015 06:02 AM

I do appreciate being able to search now!

Sidius 09-29-2015 08:19 AM

You could search on their old website. I used it almost every time was on it lol

The new site will take some getting used to but I'm sure I'll like it more once I do.

Sent from my SM-N920W8 using Tapatalk

iamfrontosa 09-29-2015 08:40 AM

glad to know I am not the only one.

Jordon 09-29-2015 05:08 PM

Although you can search for an item you are specifically looking for. I find myself constantly filling up my basket "browsing" to get Free Shipping, which is now very difficult on the new site.

I have to agree with some other posters here, and I don't frequent the site as much as I used to now.

It definately looks polished and pretty, but practibility and function has been lost :/

I think the old layout was fine, but maybe a fresh coat of paint (while maintaining the same layout) would be awesome.

rsisvixen 09-29-2015 06:13 PM

I actually like the new website, the functionality thats built into it will be awesome once its fully utilized.

As with all new things there will be a few teething problems and changing code takes time and effort as anyone in programming knows.
They are also taking in constructive input and no doubt these changes will be implemented later down the line.

The website has barely been up 3 weeks so give them a chance

jlaquatics 09-29-2015 10:58 PM

Thanks for all the feedback guys! I've tried to reply to specific statements as best I can:


Originally Posted by d33ps3a (Post 965374)
What is with the new website? It's really bad. I can't even navigate in it. Please return to old style.

- Sorry for the negative experience. If you don't find your woes addressed in this reply, or elsewhere in this thread, please let us know specifically what you would like to see and I'll add it to the list :)


Originally Posted by JDH (Post 965378)
[Home Page] Shop Now>Dry Goods>Aquarium Equipment>Protein Skimmers

I can "hover" over it with my mouse, but if I move too fast or slightly on an angle, the menu disappears and I have to start from the beginning (I'm sure we have done this on other sites, and how annoying it can be)

I think a vertical side menu w/ filters is a smart idea [when implemented correctly] but should be in its own 'frame' and not load an entire new page just to get there. Keep what is on the screen to the right, where you can navigate through the menu, and the right side of the page changes when clicking on a link.

Here is an example. Click Shop Now, and then when you hit the links with the + beside them, a sub menu pops up below it, and you can navigate much easier. A click would be required and no more hovering.

- Thanks for the feedback! We're working on a persistent menu similar to what we had on our old website. Given the feedback received here, and elsewhere, it will alleviate a lot of the navigation issues experienced thus far.


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 965451)
Making more use of the search facility, and that helps a bit, but the onus in on the searcher to come up with good search terms. For example if "widget A" isn't something for sale but "widget B" is, but it might not turn up in a search for "widget A".

- I completely understand what you are saying. Often times one is shopping for items LIKE what one has in mind, and the search isn't the best approach in that circumstance. We will look at increasing the "power" of the search to suggest other options to the user, but I agree that the menu system is a key element in this area.


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 965451)
Now I'm more tempted to just send an email with inquiries. This may or may not be welcome by the receivers of said emails depending on the number of people who feel the same way.

- Lol! Please feel free to send us emails. at least until we get this jjjuuuussstttt right :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by Sackler (Post 965459)
It's much more difficult on mobile I have to go on my computer to view website

- Many people have expressed concerns about the mobile version and we are listening!:biggrin: We are reviewing our options to see what the best plan of attack is. I'm thinking it would be nice to have an option to revert to the desktop version (or said another way, higher resolution) version of the site.


Originally Posted by Skimmin (Post 965463)
It looks fancier now but much less user friendly. Get rid of it. Or at least get the category/item list back that used to be on the left side of the page.

- Menu changes are in the works! Beyond that, the new website is built on a platform that allows incredible customization and we will work to optimize the site based on the feedback we receive here and elsewhere!


Originally Posted by Sidius (Post 965546)
The new site will take some getting used to but I'm sure I'll like it more once I do.

- I appreciate you acknowledging that! Please keep in mind though that this platform can be modified and improved with your feedback, so if you think of something not elsewhere described shoot us an email :mrgreen:

Thank you to everyone!!

Jeff O'Neill
J&L Aquatics Ltd.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 09-30-2015 03:32 AM


It's really great to see someone in retail who takes the time and effort to specifically try to address concerns expressed by members and customers in this way. Good job and keep up the good work.


byee 09-30-2015 07:26 AM

Anthony, very well said!

Jeff, keep up the great work.....just remind yourself Rome was not built in a day.

The Guy 09-30-2015 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 965630)

It's really great to see someone in retail who takes the time and effort to specifically try to address concerns expressed by members and customers in this way. Good job and keep up the good work.


Totally agree with you Anthony, it sometimes takes time to tweak everything to make it work to the optimum.
It's sort of like a new skimmer, you don't just throw it in your sump and turn it on and have it perfect right from the get go. It can take some time to dial it in just right.
With positive feed back Jeff will address the problems.
I actually like the new site and when the adjustments are made I'm sure it will be great.
Thanks Jeff for your efforts :smile:

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