seabreeze |
08-17-2015 10:12 PM |
Originally Posted by Bblinks
(Post 961877)
SEABREEZE, might need your help on this treatment.
I have been doing it for 1.5 months and still with no avail. Might have to show me how it's done...dyum bryopsis just won't die...
Be happy to BBlinks :biggrin: Have you noticed any change at all? How high are you keeping your Mg level? Are you running any carbon or GFO?
Originally Posted by Vancity
(Post 961899)
Thanks seabreeze for pointing out this product still works for this purpose. I tried once and failed and read somewhere the recipe for the product may have changed so gave up. I also found it a bit concerning dosing something in the tank higher than a level my salifert test kit can read, it only goes up to 1500. What test kit did you use to test actual levels above 1500?
I also use Salifert. Once the syringe is empty, I just refill the syringe back to about the .30 mark and add more to the test vial. Every .02 is another 30ppm. I usually empty another .06 or so from the next syringe til I see the color change.
How many ml's of Tech M did you add per day and your tank volume? Or how many ppm per day did you raise it over how many doses by hand? You're clarification would be much appreciated :)
Depends on how much your tank uses daily. Mine consumes about 15mls of Brightwells every day... I now add 45mls of Kent Tech M daily - all at once - and shake it before adding. Its clear if you don't, cloudy if you do.
My tank was at 1440 to 1470 before I changed over to Kent. From what I read you can safely increase Mg by 100ppm per day, more and your snails and inverts might not be too happy. I maintained my tank at around 1600ppm.
The bottle gives the formula that 1ml per gallon will raise the level by 18.3 ppm per day. So you need roughly 5 mls per gallon to raise your Mg level by 100ppm per day.
Once you have the level to where you want it, you just have to figure out what you tank consumes per day to keep it there.
Again, I bring my new mixed water up to around 1600 before adding it to the tank. For the salt mix I use, I need about 450mls for my 20gallon bucket.