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hunggi74 04-14-2015 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by TimT (Post 945569)
Have you added any new fish or corals/liverock lately?

What salt mix are you using? When was the last water change? Do you use RO water? When were the pre filters changed? Any idea on the TDS of the effluent?

Can you check your ammonia, nitrite and copper?

Has there been any dry cleaning or carpet cleaning done recently? Any fumigation or painting etc.

Easy Tim!! Lol! You sure you went to Hawaii and not Guantanamo?
I'm kidding! Tim is right, any chance any aerosol cleaning agents may have been used around your tank recently.
And it doesn't look like AEFW in your Revive water.

jason604 04-14-2015 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by TimT (Post 945569)
Have you added any new fish or corals/liverock lately?

What salt mix are you using? When was the last water change? Do you use RO water? When were the pre filters changed? Any idea on the TDS of the effluent?

Can you check your ammonia, nitrite and copper?

Has there been any dry cleaning or carpet cleaning done recently? Any fumigation or painting etc.

i added 2 fishes into my new tank b4 i swapped everything from my old tank over. and 5 more new fishes last week, but my sps were rtn before those 5 fish were added. I moved over 10-15% of live rock from my old tank over and the rest is rock that i bleached and acid bath so its super clean and cycled for 2 months b4 using. I use only RO water and filters are still relatively new.. about 2 months old filters. TDS before RO is about 11 or 12 i think and ro output is always 0ppm. My last water change was on sat cuz my hawaiian feather duster got killed by my cleaner shrimp. i did tear down some drywall while the tank was empty but it was cleaned properly and did paint the walls when the tank was running with some livestock in my fishroom but i was careful and did cover the tank. Painting was done 2 months ago so that should be ruled out. Havnt checked ammonia and dont have a kit for copper but my nitrite is 0.


Originally Posted by hunggi74 (Post 945571)
Easy Tim!! Lol! You sure you went to Hawaii and not Guantanamo?
I'm kidding! Tim is right, any chance any aerosol cleaning agents may have been used around your tank recently.
And it doesn't look like AEFW in your Revive water.

no aerosols been used

R u sure cuz i saw tiny oval things move slowly in circles in still water.

hunggi74 04-14-2015 09:25 AM

AEFW you're looking for light brown to tan colored oblong flatworms. The ones I have seen looked like tiny flaps of skin squirming in the water.
Get a flashlight with red cellophane taped to the lens and look at night in your tank for possible pests eating your SPS. Until then, I'd cut what you have that's still good and remount on plugs. Didn't you run into STN or RTN on your previous tank too? I wonder if there is a connection...

jason604 04-14-2015 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by hunggi74 (Post 945573)
AEFW you're looking for light brown to tan colored oblong flatworms. The ones I have seen looked like tiny flaps of skin squirming in the water.
Get a flashlight with red cellophane taped to the lens and look at night in your tank for possible pests eating your SPS. Until then, I'd cut what you have that's still good and remount on plugs. Didn't you run into STN or RTN on your previous tank too? I wonder if there is a connection...

yea i had stn and rtn in my old tank before as well, but that was with me messing up my dosing and letting param fluctuate so much. My params look fine this time tho which makes me have a headache

reefwars 04-14-2015 01:25 PM

It's need more super glue ;)

Myka 04-14-2015 02:04 PM

In all your pics, I see a bunch of what was dry rock (or appears that way since it's shock white with diatoms growing on it). When did you switch the tank over? Did you use new sand or old sand? How long was the new tank running before you moved the corals over? Did you use any bacteria products to help the new tank? If so, which ones? I'm thinking it's "new tank with dry rock syndrome" (yes I made that up).

Aquattro 04-14-2015 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 945580)
I'm thinking it's "new tank with dry rock syndrome" (yes I made that up).

I like it :)

Ryanerickson 04-14-2015 04:13 PM

I also think it looks like you may be adding sps way before your system is ready some people wait for upto a year not saying you need to but your system needs more cycle time in my opinion also you should fix your mag that's pretty low.get a container of mag chloride and mag sulphate at jl. You can use randys 2 part recipe for mixing instructions (found on Google) it will take a lot to get it where you want it. Just because you mag has always been low don't make it right. Personally I would be worried if my mag was at that level.also if your phosphate is zero that's a issue but think you may wanna review the instruction with your Hanna with all that sps melting away your phosphate are rising not a chance there zero. By the way I keep my phoshate no lower then .03 no higher then .06 I find any lower you loose colour any higher you grow algae.

Myka 04-14-2015 04:29 PM

Agreed ^

Aquattro 04-14-2015 04:39 PM

My 180, full of SPS, ran at 1050ppm Mg for it's entire existence. I didn't have any issues with corals. The Mg value here is not the problem.

I also started my new tank with dead/dry rock, new water, new sand and 60 SPS frags. All did well at the same values OP has posted, and color and tissue stayed on the pieces. Higher PO4 eventually retarded growth, but never lost any tissue/color on a brand new setup with everything dry. Again, while not optimal in my opinion, not the problem here.

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