Aquattro |
08-26-2004 09:23 PM |
Originally Posted by teevee
Agreed Brad. But that doesn't excuse them from:
Originally Posted by marlboro man
But when I bought the white flat purple tip from my LFS, they told me that this sp. of anemone comes white and it does not require bright MH.
Yes, it's wrong to give incorrect advise, especially f they knew it was incorrect. However; if I'm going to buy something that is a living creature and has some kind of care requirements, it is in my (and the creature's) best interest to find out as much as I can from as many sources as I can before making a purchase decision. I also have to acknowledge that the person whom I'm giving money may not be the best person to ask for advice on making this purchase.
Now, I think every pet store I've ever been in has more signs than I can count stating that there are no returns on livestock. We all know there are no returns, and we can't expect the store to give us money back because we didn't do our homework. It is not the store's responsibility to tell us what we should or shouldn't buy (although it's nice when they offer). While I think they perhaps have the moral obligation to at least "feel out" the prospective new home of any creature, the fact remains that they do this to make a profit to feed their kids and pay their mortgage. To tell you not to buy something you're pretty sure you want undermines the purpose of them being in business. They don't do this 'cause they love animals and want to be near them all day, it's for profit and nothing more. While they probably have an interest in animals, selling a plantrock to you is no big deal and if it dies, they know you'll come back for a new one. I see this all the time at stores, and until we as consumers start reearching our purchases BEFORE handing over money, this will continue.
And to expect that the store will give you back your money because you didn't do your part is expecting too much. This, of course, is just my opinion based on years of observing the pet industry. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong!! :biggrin: