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toytech 07-15-2014 03:45 AM

Go onto reef central and reed the sticky thread on ich , cleaner fish and shrimp do nothing about ich and it explains why it comes and goes and gets worse the second time.

hillegom 07-15-2014 04:28 AM

here is another read

Craigdillman 07-15-2014 04:38 AM

Take your fish out and qt them and treat them for ich, or they will keep getting sick water changes and feeding won't help you need to treat them for the ich,

1) hyposalinity
2) copper
3) tank transfer

Only methods that cute ich rest are snake oil

Good luck

hillegom 07-15-2014 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by Craigdillman (Post 906106)
Take your fish out and qt them and treat them for ich, or they will keep getting sick water changes and feeding won't help you need to treat them for the ich,

1) hyposalinity
2) copper
3) tank transfer

Only methods that cute ich rest are snake oil

Good luck


Madreefer 07-15-2014 06:34 AM

Cleaner wrasse belong in the ocean and not our fish tanks. I'm a believer in garlic soaked food. Give that a try and if you eventually lose the rest of your fish than just enjoy looking at your corals for a few months. Sorry to see your $hitty luck in the last while.

monocus 07-15-2014 08:00 AM

i agree about the cleaner wrasse.where cleaner wrasses are taken from the reefs,fish would be better off with a neon goby.also snowflakes rarely go after fish.they mostly eat shellfish and shrimp

darkreef 07-15-2014 05:38 PM

He didn't make it threw the night, like any fish that gets sick on me, it's pretty much like hey I'm sick I'm going to die tomorrow.

I tank transfered all my fish before they went into the tank.
It didn't work... And I was up with the birds and did directly what I was suppose to do.
Waste of money

Hypo salinity... I just got back all the creatures in my live rock (kinda)and I have reef tank.
If you read a forum about in laws putting bleach in a tank that was mine just finally getting color on the rocks now.

Copper... Going to need another tank which is no problem ... And is copper safe on eels? ich doesn't have a affect on eels but they can carry it sometimes.

Cujo#31 07-18-2014 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by lemon604 (Post 906051)
get a cleaner shrimp or cleaner wrass. They will eat the ick off your fish.

Cleaner shrimp and wrasse cant "eat" the ich off fish IMHO. once ich has chosen a fish as host, it is not visible. The parasite is microscopic. What you see on the fish is a cyst the fish's body forms to isolate parasite from body. Once parasite matures it drops to substrate and the cycle begins.
They do however do a great job eliminating many other types of stray parasite that happens to enter water column.

johnnyriker22 07-24-2014 02:00 PM

That sucks that relatives put bleach in your tank. That's pretty stupid. I'm glad some of your inhabitants made it through. Have you de-chlorinated afterwards with prime or water conditioner?

You must have some major stress in your tank for this overnight death to be occurring. Try to stabilize everything in the tank like temperature and alkalinity. Don't let temperature fluctuate more than 2-3 degrees a day. See what your nitrates are like in the tank. Check out how to use active carbon properly. I use a cup every 2-4 weeks for 90 gallons of volume for example but every tank is different.


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