Originally Posted by Doug
(Post 866567)
Clams also?
Never had any clams, so can't speak to that. And I should also mention that I just didn't plunk the Pearlscales directly into my display tank, and say have at it...
I always put new fish through QT with the hypo routine, which can take up to 3 months. During that time, I trained the Pearlscales onto first frozen mysis, then dried foods incl various freeze dried, pellets, and even flake. But also, I put in a rock with some aiptasia on it, first to see if they would go for it. They did, and when one figured it out, the others would join in. So I kept doing that, giving them an aiptasia rock every once in a while, and in the mean time fattening them up on dried food, with the occasional frozen mysis treat (can't give them too much of that or they won't eat the dry stuff).
Then I added them to the display tank, where they first had to deal with my bully yellow tang. But they are pretty quick, and he could never corner one, and eventually gave up. But they immediately recognized the aiptasia, and didn't hesitate to rip them out of their holes. And since they were used to the dried foods, took to that right away in the display tank as well.
But they never went after my corals. Initially I only had LPS (frogspawn, bubble coral, etc) and softies (mushrooms, leathers, etc). Later I added SPS frags, and I was a little nervous at first, because they really looked over a new frag initially, and would sometimes nip off the slime filaments. But they never went after the polyps. I have softies, LPS and lots of SPS in my tank now, and they don't bother any of them. But the good news, is they continue to keep my tanks free of aiptasia (for 3 years now).
I would not be surprised if they left clams alone as well. I really think what made it work for me, was first training them on other foods and aiptasia in the QT tank. I may not have been so lucky, if they went straight into the display tank.