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Chin_Lee 02-11-2010 05:34 PM

hey Tony
For the record I don't quilt either and i'm sensing a tone of mockery of my feminine side :)
to prove my lack of quilting abilities, its actually a needlepoint mesh that I'm using. I saw it in the fabric section of any craft store and its been very usefull in many DIY applications. They come in many different mesh sizes too.
Here's a youtube video of what it looks like

Pescador 02-11-2010 05:50 PM

Oops I was typing the same time as Chin_Lee
Tony, Walmart has it, it's plastic needlepoint canvas like a big window screen, it's the same stuff used in making viv's to wrap the eggcrate.

You can sort of see it on top of the eggcrate.
I'm using a double layer of enkamat and single layer canvas.

hillbillyreefer 02-11-2010 06:59 PM

Window screen has been working for me. Not the metal stuff, make sure it's plastic.

kien 02-11-2010 07:06 PM

I can just picture all those crazed reefers aimlessly wandering hardware and craft stores looking for that perfect perforated material.. :lol: I get very strange looks when a salesperson asks me what I'm going to be using something for.. :biggrin:

Coleus 02-13-2010 12:09 AM

Woot got my pellets today. Thanks Ian for super fast shipping. Going to hook it up tonight and will give everyone update after 1 week :-)

banditpowdercoat 02-13-2010 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 491282)
I can just picture all those crazed reefers aimlessly wandering hardware and craft stores looking for that perfect perforated material.. :lol: I get very strange looks when a salesperson asks me what I'm going to be using something for.. :biggrin:

Your tellin me. You should have seen some looks at the building supply store when I was building my 7'l Powdercoating oven!
"I'm building an oven" "HUH?" "Ya a walk in Oven" "Huh?"

kien 02-13-2010 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat (Post 491791)
Your tellin me. You should have seen some looks at the building supply store when I was building my 7'l Powdercoating oven!
"I'm building an oven" "HUH?" "Ya a walk in Oven" "Huh?"

LOL! Nice! Sometimes they want you to explain.. and at that point I just give up. Just help me find the damn part, it is not for you to understand!

Coleus 02-13-2010 03:29 AM

Help! My Phosban reactor keep leaking and i can't fit it into my sump. is it because i have too much flow? I am using 500ml with MJ1200. What the heck i am doing wrong? I really hand tight it.

kien 02-13-2010 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Coleus (Post 491835)
Help! My Phosban reactor keep leaking and i can't fit it into my sump. is it because i have too much flow? I am using 500ml with MJ1200. What the heck i am doing wrong? I really hand tight it.

Is it just one phosban reactor or do you have it daisy chained (hooked up) to a second phosban? Sometimes when people daisy chain them and put a restricting device like a valve at the outlet it causes back preassure in the phosban which will cause it to leak. Sometimes even clogged up second phosban will cause the first phosban to build up enough preasure to cleak. Are you using the sponges? Is it leaking out of the main head or out of one of the nozzles?

Coleus 02-13-2010 04:01 AM

It is leaking the main head. I cut the sponges into half like in your thread. I do not daisy chained to anything.

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