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mr_alberta 02-12-2005 03:07 PM

Hey Rich,

I think ihayat might be coming to my place beforehand, so it may be him and I tagging along with you. You still have room?

michika 02-12-2005 04:35 PM

Alright, so the mostly finalized list is;

Kuatto and lovely wife Karen
Edmonton Eskimo
newguy and girlfriend
eddie holland (who is bringing delicious tacos and taco salad)
Murminator and as he likes to call her, his "Old Lady"
Dez and Wife
Prarie Reefer
Nemain and someone else
Bulletsworld and guest ??
Digger plus her husband and a couple of friends - is that right?
John? - Jim who is John?

So everyone please bring either something appertizerish or drinks. If there aren't enough drinks were all stuck with water and kool-aid cause thats the best I can do!

Bring frags if you want to trade them! And for those of you who have folding chairs bring some of them. I don't know if they will all fit but at least we'll have more places to sit then just our sofa!

There are a couple of animals other then fish here. So if your allergic to dogs, I'm sorry!

If you haven't been PMed with the address PM me!

See everyone this Saturday at 2pm!

Richer 02-12-2005 04:35 PM

I've got Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Edmonton Eskimo, ihayat and myself. Should fit just fine, but I am at capacity now... unless someone wants to hang onto the roof rack :mrgreen:


Winters 02-16-2005 06:32 PM

Carpooling, plus Live Sand anyone? :)

Originally Posted by Richer
I've got Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Edmonton Eskimo, ihayat and myself. Should fit just fine, but I am at capacity now... unless someone wants to hang onto the roof rack :mrgreen:

Sounds good! Thanks for the transportation Rich!

ALSO... since I'm still getting my 90g started up.. would anyone have any live sand they may be willing to donate or sell to me?? :) Don't need a lot. (Actually I don't know how much I would need.. not a lot, I'm sure) Please let me know if someone could help out with that.


muck 02-16-2005 06:39 PM


My wife will be coming along as well. :cool:

michika 02-16-2005 06:52 PM

Sure, no problem!

Richer 02-16-2005 06:59 PM

I'm not sure if you missed it in one of my previous post, but a friend of mine will be coming by as well. I asked him to bring some chairs with him if possible.

Oh, by the way, John = marine_newbie


michika 02-16-2005 08:35 PM

Yup I got John down on the list!

kuatto 02-16-2005 10:59 PM

Looks like Karen won't be able to make the meet :frown: ,so its just me and John.

michika 02-17-2005 02:01 AM

Thats too bad! Say hi to her for us!

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