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Etaloche 05-29-2017 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 1014347)
Akadama soil they use to carry at the bonsai store on broadway before boundary but have since closed down, we used it to breed BKK shrimps before.

I am guessing your best bet is online, maybe eBay??

Thanks for the help, was trying to find something local as anything online basically doubles the price with shipping.

Etaloche 10-17-2017 12:36 PM

I thought by now I'd be able to figure out the balance in my tank, but I'm still struggling. SPS are thriving, but I still struggle to keep LPS alive. I have a clam and a sea apple which show no sign of stress so it's not the water quality. I've pretty much never had luck with Euphyllia, now my acan and plate coral are deteriorating out of nowhere. I've tried feeding them as well which usually recovers LPS very quick in my experience, but no luck this time. Don't have a test kit to test nitrate and phos, but rest of my parameters are as follows. Can anyone give me some suggestions/advice on what I could do to achieve a balance between LPS and SPS

Alk: 9.6
Calc: 450
Mag: 1360

AquaAddict 10-18-2017 04:40 AM

I have my LPS at either ends of my 150 6ft tank: Euphylia on the left and Candy Cane on the right under actinic t5's. My SPS in the middle are under an LED. All are thriving.


Wheelman76 10-18-2017 08:16 AM

I would suggest you buy a po4 and no3 test kit so you at least know what your levels are.

Etaloche 10-18-2017 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Wheelman76 (Post 1019604)
I would suggest you buy a po4 and no3 test kit so you at least know what your levels are.

Yes, probably a good idea, will do so next visit to the store. Any idea on why my acan is not doing so hot? It's one I got from you ages ago and it has been doing fine all this time, and then suddenly went downhill :cry:

DKoKoMan 10-18-2017 12:08 PM

If your nitrates climb up and phosphates you will see a decline in your LPS. For the longest time I couldn’t figure out why my small scan frag was struggling, reduced my nitrates and phosphates and it looks better. That being said, most the damage was done and it hasn’t grown much.

Etaloche 10-18-2017 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by DKoKoMan (Post 1019606)
If your nitrates climb up and phosphates you will see a decline in your LPS. For the longest time I couldn’t figure out why my small scan frag was struggling, reduced my nitrates and phosphates and it looks better. That being said, most the damage was done and it hasn’t grown much.

Did you notice any symptoms with your SPS when the nitrates and phosphates went up? I always thought I'd see my SPS colonies showing signs so stress before my LPS would.

DKoKoMan 10-19-2017 12:44 AM

I noticed when my Nitrate and phosphates were high that coral row th slowed. As well the vivid colours went to a brown not like a pale colour in a ULNS.

Wheelman76 10-19-2017 05:12 AM

I find the opposite when it comes to acans , if nutrients get too low they are not happy. It also depends “how” they’ve gotten too low. If you are feeding the tank plenty ,and the nutrients are naturally low ,due to denitrifying bacteria doing their job, then it’s usually not an issue, however if they’re low from excessive carbon dosing , and stripping the water with carbon/gfo etc , then LPS and in particular acans will suffer ime.

DKoKoMan 10-19-2017 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Wheelman76 (Post 1019648)
I find the opposite when it comes to acans , if nutrients get too low they are not happy. It also depends “how” they’ve gotten too low. If you are feeding the tank plenty ,and the nutrients are naturally low ,due to denitrifying bacteria doing their job, then it’s usually not an issue, however if they’re low from excessive carbon dosing , and stripping the water with carbon/gfo etc , then LPS and in particular acans will suffer ime.

Well judging from your frags you got it down! :biggrin:
So there is no doubt in my mind your tank parameters are spot on.

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