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WarDog 12-31-2014 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 927773)
Lookin' great Warren
I know your dilemma. It's kinda hard to visualize where all the wires will go unless they're already in place

What'd you pay for the Panduit and where from ?

It feels like I'm playing Tetris! I got the panduit from Torbram Electric Supply on Broadway in PoCo, by your work. If I remember correctly, I got 16 feet with covers for less than $40.


Originally Posted by The Guy (Post 927783)
Nice job Warren, my wiring is kinda spread all over my built in wall cabinet but does the job ok. It is nice to see a tidy wiring job though.

Thanks Laurie!

gregzz4 01-01-2015 12:42 AM

Hey that's not expensive at all, and you're right I could literally walk there from work
We use it at work but trying to take some home is a nightmare I don't want to go through

Thanks Warren :biggrin:

Happy New Year :drinking: :party:

WarDog 01-01-2015 01:27 AM

Happy New Year Greg, all the best for 2015!

straightrazorguy 01-01-2015 02:19 AM

Panduits rock! I used some on my system.

Anyways, good work Warren. Happy New Year!

Slyguy00 01-01-2015 02:39 AM

Sump area looks awesome!

WarDog 01-02-2015 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by straightrazorguy (Post 927795)
Panduits rock! I used some on my system.

Anyways, good work Warren. Happy New Year!


Originally Posted by Slyguy00 (Post 927797)
Sump area looks awesome!

Thank-you, and a Happy New Years to you!

Stuffed some more gear in the stand. Just waiting on an Apex PM2 and a Netgear WiFi adaptor to finish all the wiring.
I only have 13 inches of Panduit left over, so that worked out pretty good.
Hard to see, but there are 2 acrylic panels behind the sump hiding a lot of wiring as well.

At the same time I picked up that acrylic, I also picked up a small extra chunk, from which I fabbed a fan deflector.

...and said fan deflector installed.

Aquattro 01-02-2015 10:45 PM

I look at that and can't help but be impressed by the detail. Compared to my dark sump, "in" pipe and "out" pipe, it's a work of art.

Gotta ask tho, 2015 going to be year of the water?? :)

WarDog 01-02-2015 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 928105)
I look at that and can't help but be impressed by the detail. Compared to my dark sump, "in" pipe and "out" pipe, it's a work of art.

Gotta ask tho, 2015 going to be year of the water?? :)

Thanks Brad, starting to think I am paying too much attention to the detail and it has been slowing me down. Right now I'm getting my butt kicked by the rockwork (pictures to follow).
Luckily the wife just gave me financial freedom to get this thing finished. Back to work on the 19th, so I want to start cycling a few days before that. Just a few more small items and we're golden.
I'm really looking forward to getting aptasia! :)

Slyguy00 01-02-2015 11:04 PM

Badass man! Definitely time for some water fish and coral!

Aquattro 01-03-2015 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 928109)
Thanks Brad, starting to think I am paying too much attention to the detail and it has been slowing me down.

Well, depends what you want out of a system. For me, the details don't matter. My tank, given all the parts available in the room, could be assembled in 30 minutes.
I just wanted my tank running. Would I like your system if someone else were going to build it for me? Sure!! Just not something I care enough about to actually put time and money into.

And to be honest, you're going to need a heck of a coral display or your cabinet/sump will get more attention!! :) It's probably one of the nicest I've seen.

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