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BlueTang<3 12-23-2013 01:33 AM

Well we spoiled the tank and not ourselves for Christmas

reeferfulton 12-23-2013 01:53 AM

Oooo, nice new toys!!
What made you grab the libra over the ghl??

Congrats to your tank lol

BlueTang<3 12-23-2013 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by reeferfulton (Post 868416)
Oooo, nice new toys!!
What made you grab the libra over the ghl??

Congrats to your tank lol

It was fancier, if that makes sense. We picked it up with a good Black Friday price wanted something different from what everyone else seems to have. I liked the touch screen although its not as nice of display as I expected but I think it's going to be easier to program.

mrhasan 12-23-2013 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by reeferfulton (Post 868416)
Oooo, nice new toys!!
What made you grab the libra over the ghl??

Congrats to your tank lol

I would say because you can play angry bird in that :lol:

I will just drool silently now.............

BlueTang<3 01-08-2014 01:27 AM

asylumdown 01-09-2014 06:16 PM

First, I your tank is incredible. I wish I had the skills to build all the stuff around it that you did, it looks like a professional installed tank that's been there from day one, but from the looks of it the only 'permanent' changes to the house were a couple of holes in the wall. Brilliant.

Second, did you get your algae problem under control? I know that many people think this is cheating, but when I was struggling with a serious algae problem last October, nothing I did seemed to work. I was changing the GFO every few days, had a biopellet reactor running at full bore, but it just wasn't helping. I think once the problem reaches a certain level the algae is sucking everything up before your export systems ever get a chance.

I ordered API's algaefix marine off eBay (It's not technically legal in Canada still I don't think), and in about 8 days my tank was 100% algae free. It didn't hurt the corals or the fish, and once it was gone my export systems actually had a chance to do their job and the tank quickly dropped down to the ULN range with aggressive GFO changes, the pellets, and regular water changes. In fact I think I drove it a little too low and everything went all pastel for a few months. I've never had a recurrence of hair algae. Only thing it didn't kill was coraline and bubble algae, but I don't think bubble algae will be even a little fazed when our sun eventually expands to a red giant and vaporizes all other life on earth, and it can switch to using my hatred for fertilizer when nitrate and phosphate levels are too low, so I'm not really surprised.

If your'e struggling with it, it's a quick fix that lets the infrastructure you've set up actually do it's job.

BlueTang<3 01-09-2014 07:33 PM

Thanks I am geting the algae under control now have a bit of cayano but can live with it, I kinda hate using chemicals.

As for holes a couple in the wall and then a few vents in the outsider the house.
As for the canopy it's hanging from two screws in a floor joists so I can fill the holes in with silicone I hope if we take it down. Had a lot of planning on the build, and a lot of help from the cod ather and outta control

Delphinus 01-10-2014 04:20 AM

Hey Wes, just curious, how often and what sort of things are you feeding the carpets?

Your purple has gotten to a nice size! Mine is still about half the size of the green. I had forgotten we both seem to have a pair of gigantea's in our tank and both green and purple like that. :)

BlueTang<3 01-10-2014 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 872462)
Hey Wes, just curious, how often and what sort of things are you feeding the carpets?

Your purple has gotten to a nice size! Mine is still about half the size of the green. I had forgotten we both seem to have a pair of gigantea's in our tank and both green and purple like that. :)

I feed that Pacifica krill when I have time other than that they are troopers, the purple is about 5-6 years in captivity now bought it the size of a toonie. The green I bought from xtreme hasn't changed a whole bunch.

As for the reds a year ago I started with 1 I am up to 10 now feeding this, don't know how much it is this or flow or lighting

mmatt 02-07-2014 03:02 PM

Absolutley stunning build. As a saltwater new comer this is inspiring. Makes me one to buy another house just to do a build like this. Lol.

Well done

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