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globaldesigns 02-05-2010 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by OceanicCorals (Post 489213)
150G running Zeo as well. Going to add another 500ml Sunday.

I actually up'd my BioPellets to 750ml when I moved them into the fluidizer. so I am running 750ml of pellets and 1.5L of Zeolites on a 200G of water (approx water volume)

selekt 02-06-2010 06:37 AM

No tank before and after pictures?

Delphinus 02-06-2010 06:44 AM

Welcome to Canreef. :)

I don't really have any before/after shots, although I suppose I could dig up a photo from a month ago and take another in the same angle. But to be honest there's really not that much visually to go on. The only metric I have that something is happening is the nitrate reading.

Pescador 02-06-2010 06:22 PM

Hey Tony, I know you have a nitrate meter but are there any test kits that you tried that compare to your meter readings?
I have kits by Salifert, Hagen, and Elos. They are all different values and hard to read. I guess I should forget about numbers and just stick to one test and look for a decrease.

Delphinus 02-06-2010 09:25 PM

I think I have both Elos and Salifert for nitrate but it's been some time since I used them. Unless it's a really low reading I usually have a really hard time with colour comparisons and there's a lot of guesswork involved. It's like you say, I end up just using them to spot trends rather than establish an actual number.

Pescador 02-07-2010 10:12 PM

I finally got some movement tumbling the pellets, I tee'd off the aux pump and still using the Eheim.
There's 65 gph exiting the reactor so we'll see what happens. My nitrates are bad, closer to the dark side of the chart. :sad:

selekt 02-08-2010 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 489564)
Welcome to Canreef. :)

I don't really have any before/after shots, although I suppose I could dig up a photo from a month ago and take another in the same angle. But to be honest there's really not that much visually to go on. The only metric I have that something is happening is the nitrate reading.

Thank you.

Well I was just wondering if you were experiencing the crazy colours and growth that is being experienced with vodka dosing and other similar methods (bacteria driven).

RuGlu6 02-10-2010 09:14 AM

from Dr. van Houten
NP-Reducing BioPellets Product Guidelines

globaldesigns 02-10-2010 03:43 PM

Just an update:

Since moving the Pellets to their own fluidizer, powered by a MJ1200, I can see even quicker changes. I am running 1 full litre of the pellets now and can say that the green film algae on my glass is litterally falling off and turning a dark brown color. Any algae or other un-wanted stuff on my rocks are forming a dark brown covering on it and when I use my turkey baster to blow it off, it reveals a nice clean rock underneath.

All I can say is this stuff is working. Haven't tested nitrates yet, but will probably do that tonight.

Willito 02-10-2010 03:43 PM

Ok Tony, it's been almost 6 weeks since you started, what is your conclusion at this point. I ask becasue I want to know if the results are anything echoed by the creator. He states that it would take 2-4 weeks to see progress. What positives, if any, have you observed up to this point. Negative? I am all for it if you does what it claims, as I am in need of such remedy for my large fish population. Tell us the real truth.:wink:

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