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daplatapus 05-25-2015 01:15 PM

Your tank is looking awesome! What are the yellow and black stripped fish? Can't say as I've seen those before.

FishingGoalie 05-25-2015 02:57 PM


Those are pilotfish, they normally hang around sharks and get to be 2-3 feet long! They are moving to there final home soon that is much much bigger, then they can live with sharks too!

Skimmer Juice 05-25-2015 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by FishinGoalie (Post 951355)
Hey man/woman, I don't appreciate you saying or typing things about me like that. I do not know what is going on in your life and frankly it doesn't really matter. But sometimes you have to take in consideration that there may be things in this world that come up and may be more important. Im in grade 11 and its exam time, Its very stressful dealing with people, taking care of a saltwater fish tank, and trying to study for exams. My life does not revolve around canreef and maybe i can't get back to someone instantly. So before you go assuming think about what your saying.

On a side not I'm working on a video update right now for the journal. And no the video is not a joke.:mrgreen::biggrin::surprise::wink::wink::wink ::wink::wink:

never said anything about you personally , just saying what happened . Maybe take in to consideration other peoples time before posting a thread you never really intended on replying to. Could care less if you are in grade 11 and dont have time to care for your reef. You dont like what I said to bad welcome to life. Next

FishingGoalie 05-25-2015 11:07 PM

I finally had some time to write an update on my tank. This year has been a big learning time for me with the tank. I ended up with a really bad algae outbreak and had to make some tough decisions about my tank. I initially decided to sell my set up, because I couldn't keep up with school and other things going on with our family. I was working on selling off my corals first, then the fish, and then the set up...after I got through selling most of my corals I was not ready to sell off my fish. This told me that it wasn't time to get rid of the whole thing.

So I have started leaning towards only doing a fish only...still with a few corals left though...It's not easy selling stuff from your tank piece by piece, there was a 3 week period where I had people coming here to get or two at a time...Then I decided to keep the tank going.

Through the winter I realized my Blonde Naso Tang "MO" was getting too big for my tank, so I gave him to someone. He now lives with another Naso Tang in a much bigger tank. I also had to get rid of my squirrel fish because I think they ate some of my anthias and cardinal fish. They also are in a new tank now, and apparently are not eating anything in their tank...

I ran into a problem this winter with aiptasia. It was starting to grow everywhere. So I got a Copperband Butterfly "Winston". Winston was an awesome fish. He would eat from our hands, follow us around the tank, and was a fantastic fat fish. And he ate all the aiptasia!!! Eventually he started picking on my clams, so I sold them with my corals.

A couple weeks ago, Winston got stung by my rose bubble tip Anemone pretty badly. Sadly, he didn't make it though the night. It was awful, we still miss him lots. It's strange because all of the fish stay away from the anemone... RIP Winston. :(

When I sold off most of my corals I decided to get a juvenile emperor angel. I always wanted one but with all my corals I couldn't get one. I still have the long tentacle plate coral and bubble coral and so far, he hasn't touched them.

At the same time I also got a cowfish. He is a pretty cool fish, but within a day he had ich. He seems to be handling it OK, but my yellow tang seems to have it now. He has never had it before. I am hoping that since all my fish are fat and healthy they will manage to fight it off. I am using garlic guard in their food...also feeding some of the medicated food, but have to be careful that my anemones don't get it...

That's about it for now. I am finding it a challenge to manage school, the tank, travel, family time etc etc. Now that my algae outbreak is under control it is much easier to manage the tank though.

The pilot fish are the black and yellow striped ones. They are super cool, but are quickly outgrowing my tank. I have a larger tank lined up for them already, but they have to be a certain size before they can go into that tank also.

FishingGoalie 05-26-2015 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer Juice (Post 951394)
never said anything about you personally , just saying what happened . Maybe take in to consideration other peoples time before posting a thread you never really intended on replying to. Could care less if you are in grade 11 and dont have time to care for your reef. You dont like what I said to bad welcome to life. Next

If your worrying about time why are you posting totally unnecessary things that create nothing but problems. Why would you even start something like this? it doesn't make sense.

And.. above everything I said please text or phone me, i responded to everyone who did that, hence why I have no corals left.

Also you never even sent me an PM so why does this have anything to do with you?

Skimmer Juice 05-27-2015 12:36 AM

first off if you read my first post it was a ? , and I sent a text and never got a reply as well as another friend I have on here told me not to bother as he got no response either. You seem to be offended over nothing I was just pointing out the obvious if you are not selling the stuff why make a post to waste peoples time in the first place. I could honesty care less . Drop it and move on .

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