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The Grizz 06-23-2013 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 827605)
Ya Grizz now that I think of it, where's my nice cool LED flashlight? I've visited lots with you why didn't I get one? :pout:

You already have LED's and Kien was pouting awhile back cause he didnt have any. :biggrin:

yycguy 06-23-2013 05:56 AM

Glad to hear your family and home are intact!!!!
Being here in Calgary and seeing all the devastation it's heart breaking to say the least.

Last year I had a water line let go on my main floor while we were away. My wife got a call from the fire department telling her our home was majorly damaged and that was not a fun evening.
But in our disaster it was all covered by insurance. Now with this mess it will be different and that's the unknown part. At least when our home flooded the adjuster comforted up right away saying its all covered !!!
(200K) and 8 months latter out home was fixed.

So really glad to hear your home and some of your reef and fish have survived.

If you need any help with anything during all this just shout I/we are here.

reeferfulton 06-23-2013 07:35 AM

Just finished the first 33 pages of this thread . love your tank . hope it fully pulls through your latest trials .

will read through the rest another day .
Would like a tank of your layout one day . great dimensions

Dearth 06-23-2013 01:42 PM

Nature always has a way of reminding us who is ultimately in charge...glad the family is ok Kien and bittersweet on the tank as it is a part of the family too....

I talked to one of my cousins he was one of the areas put under mandatory evacuation went home after being away for 33 hrs found that his house was one of the few in his neighbourhood that was left untouched by the floods that being said when he got to his house he discovered that 28 cats 15 dogs and some other critters had taken up residence at his place and because he had a pet door for his cats and dog the neighbouring animals made themselves at home in his house.

With the help of neighbours, SPCA and emergency services all the animals were reunited with owners or taken to local shelters. Unfortunately they did make a mess of his kitchen and living room and some other areas of his house. But he and his wife kept their sense of humour as they have a sign in their window stating they are a pet friendly house and apparently all the neighbourhood animals took them up on the offer :)

fishoholic 06-23-2013 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 827606)
You already have LED's and Kien was pouting awhile back cause he didnt have any. :biggrin:

Ya but not a cool led flashlight with your logo on it! :pout:

Kien now that your back home and the powers on, how's the tank doing?

kien 06-23-2013 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 827636)
Kien now that your back home and the powers on, how's the tank doing?

It appears as though the remainder of my fish and inverts are OK. They all appear healthy and ate voraciously yesterday. Some of my LPS are still deflated as are some SPS. Some have recovered so corals are a mixed bag at the moment. Clams are not quiet as full as they normally are. I already had a batch of NSW mixed up before we evacuated so I will do a water change today.

All in all, I am totally shocked that the tank didn't suffer a full on crash or that there were not more casualties. The water was completely stagnant for over 12 hours resulting in a significant reduction in oxygen. Heat was also a minor issue dropping down to 71. I knew that a temp of 71 wasn't catastrophic though but was sure some of my more sensitive inverts like starfish would have been toast. It was a very gradual drop though which I'm sure gave the fish time to adapt. I was lucky that the house was fairly warm. If it was winter time the temperature would have dropped much further and definitely into critical territory. I knew that not having lights on for 24 hours wasn't a big deal. The reefs go through that all the time during storms. To me the essentials were oxygenation and flow with temperature coming in a close third. In the end that was all I needed to keep the tank hobbling along for the duration of the outage. Will report back as I observe what the corals do over the next while.

daplatapus 06-23-2013 04:31 PM

Super glad to hear things weren't catastrophic and all in all everything is ok.

Razor 06-23-2013 04:47 PM

Great job on the tank and nice to hear things weren't any worse.

Myka 06-23-2013 06:07 PM

Kien, you probably know this, but keep an eye open for ammonia. It would be a good time to hang a SeaChem Ammonia Alert badge in the tank.

ensquire 06-24-2013 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 827554)
Also on another sad note it appears as though I have lost my population of Designer and Limited Edition of AEFWs :cry: I will be refunding everyone who had placed an order. There is also a patch of Blue Clove Polyps that are still retracted that I'm hoping will pull through. Fingers crossed!

After all of that, your KEEN sense of humor didn't suffer any. Glad to hear things are getting kind of back to normal. Hoping for a speedy recovery for all in Calgary....

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