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sphelps 03-02-2012 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by ReefOcean (Post 688532)
You asked me how do minimalize/deal with I answered. Obviously, you are the type of hobbyist who prefers to "preach" and "offer" (I use that term loosely) advice. Not really a discussing and debating kind of guy are ya

See anyone else still here?

ReefOcean 03-02-2012 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 688540)
See anyone else still here?

Does that matter? Do you see how fast the topics on this forum are bumped?

Delphinus 03-02-2012 03:03 AM

What would you rather drink, fresh clean water or water that has been sitting for 6 months?

Just because you can limp a tank along (and possibly do just fine for a while) without waterchanges .. the best practises approach include water changes.

Very few long term tanks exist without a water change strategy in place.

ReefOcean 03-02-2012 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 688564)
What would you rather drink, fresh clean water or water that has been sitting for 6 months?

Just because you can limp a tank along (and possibly do just fine for a while) without waterchanges .. the best practises approach include water changes.

Very few long term tanks exist without a water change strategy in place.

I would rather drink beer :lol:

But yes, my assertion is, that under the right circumstances and with the right preparation it is viable to limit/suspend water changes. Not everbody keeps on small clown in a 50 gallon tank or has a protein skimmer rated for a much larger tank like I do though.

my main contention is the people who just aren't willing to bend and see that there are many things you can do to make you system more enclosed and self sufficient and thus you can avoid your bi-weekly regiment of a 20 percent water changes...

reefwars 03-02-2012 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by MarkoD (Post 688414)
i dont care if i have to be the bad guy. that chitons topic for POTM was stupid, and i have no problem say it

hey ok you know what fine you asked for it buddy fact of the matter is your a sooky whiney know nothing, if you dont like the topic then shut up about it and dont enter the contest, in my opinion(im sure you know what that is right??) what kind of professional photographer cant go and get a simple low grade pic huh??? are you that flippin lazy ???IF IT REALLY MEANS THAT MUCH TOO YOU then lets see your pic?? huh where is it??

you come up with the stupidest of **ing threads saying youve had such and such problems for weeks asking for help and then dont accept it and just look for debate, your bridges here on this site are just about burned because of your arrogent comments, alot of us here just plain think your a joke you offer no help to others and when you actually look for help you are refusing to believe you f**ked up.....well you obviously did

the moorish idol thing.....a complete dumb thing to know why???

because you have NO EXPERIENCE with these type of fish you know why it died???? because you, like every other newb who thought "hey i have a tank that grows leathers and zoas" that im experienced enough to take on fish that most actual fishkeepers of over decades cant keep....thats just dumb sorry:P

so thats how it is what are you 25??? grow up a bit the things you say and do are no different then what a 13yr old gets on with, this throwing tempers and pouting about whats not best for marko is a soap opera, are you not a man??? what kind of actual man goes around crying about every little thing thats not suited to him???

in summary your providing the proof to which of something ive always known......your a complete douche!!

anyways cheers!!

hope thats gramatically correct for ya!!:P

reefwars 03-02-2012 03:35 AM

sorry to the op and the rest of the posters/readers with that last post but enough is apoogies to you all:):) no hi jack intended:P

for the record i do water changes weekly of 20-25g weekly on a 90g with 75g sump lps tank.

i did this thread i believe about 6 mths ago and the jist of it is.....

your fish and animals appreciate fresh water:):)

ReefOcean 03-02-2012 03:37 AM

...fresh water with salt that is :lol:

naesco 03-02-2012 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by ReefOcean (Post 688532)
You asked me how do minimalize/deal with I answered. Obviously, you are the type of hobbyist who prefers to "preach" and "offer" (I use that term loosely) advice. Not really a discussing and debating kind of guy are ya

How dare you post this comment about sphelps a respected member of this forum who offers freely advice to newbies like you.

You chose to get into this hobby and you have an obligation to provide the optimum environment for your fish inverts and coral you keep.

Get out of the hobby if you are too lazy to do water changes or give your fish and coral a fresh clean environment instead of a salty slough.

reefwars 03-02-2012 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by ReefOcean (Post 688584)
...fresh water with salt that is :lol:

true true lol

either way i run a skimmer,huge refugium with a dozen different kinds of cheato, algae scrubber,gfo aggressively and still at the end of the week my tank looks like it needs a water change, the only difference i notice really is in my bigger corals my elegance which actually likes nutrient rich water gets more colourful after a water change.

my parameters before and after a water chaneg are always pretty much the same, with some small differences in cal/alk

ReefOcean 03-02-2012 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by naesco (Post 688586)
How dare you post this comment about a respected member of this forum who offers freely advice to newbies like you.

You chose to get into this hobby and you have an obligation to provide the optimum environment for your fish inverts and coral you keep.

Get out of the hobby if you are too lazy to do water changes or give your fish and coral a fresh clean environment instead of a salty slough.

Noob? :lol: I have been doing this for almost 8 years. I only dare because he wont put out. He wants to trivialize this thread because it goes against his doctrine. The same could be said 3 years ago about people "killing" their coral off by using LED or T5. Thise people didnt know what they were doing! how dare they use something other than MH!!!!.. Now those 2 lighting methods are completely acceptable.

I am not talking about sticking fish into toxic sludge. I am talking about controlling contaminants, limiting bioload and dosing properly to suspend water changes and only do them occasionally. There is nothing put forward to suggest that the fish are suffering since parameters are monitored and the system is regulated.....

My god. ***Rolls eyes like 5000 times.

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