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albert_dao 06-11-2004 07:17 PM

I got one for all you guys. Have any of you ever considered getting together and running the club like a business? I've seen this as a trend with larger fascilities such as the ACA (American Cichlid Association) or even on a smaller scale, it's Canadian counterpart.

Quinn 06-11-2004 07:41 PM

So you're suggesting we become a cooperative? That's a good idea, but we've had difficulty even getting a formal club off the ground, so I don't know if we'd get so far as to form a cooperative. :razz:

albert_dao 06-12-2004 06:26 AM

Oh, well in which case, I suppose that idea just went out the window.

EmilyB 06-12-2004 06:29 AM

Actually, since the logistics of a meeting based on the ever-growing members here has out-sized the normal home, perhaps it is time for a LFS to step up to the plate and host a meeting... :mrgreen:

BiGG-MaC 06-14-2004 05:40 AM

Gold Aquariums, in my own opinion is the best fish store in Calgary. They tell u what you need and they show it to u buy the display tank they set up. At Big Al's they get u to buy a bunch of junk that will end up useless afterwards. At Wai's the guy is a big @$$. Anyways i can go on forever. I like Golds because the price is great and I trust there knowledge. So if you guys have money to throw away then feel free to go else where.

Fish 07-09-2004 02:37 PM

I just want to add that I am probably guilty of supporting a LFS that does not have the best practices only because it is closer to my house and I thought the shorter drive would be less stressful to the livestock (maybe I should take another look at what is more stressful - the drive or the conditions in the store.)
I just wanted to add that I think a lot of responsibilty rests on us as consumers to make informed decisions. I usually research my purchase to death before buying something and haven't had too many problems. The animals I've lost have been because I made a stupid mistake or didn't read enough first. I know a lady that shops at the same LFS as me she has had such a different experience that it seems like a completely different store ie, no regard for stocking levels, multiple tangs in a 40gal, anemones under NO lighting. (I've now got her son signed onto RC and will make sure to send him here as well.)
I think the reason why I haven't gotten horrible advice like that is because I don't really ask for advise. I've found that you need to know beforehand whether or not an animal will work in your tank because if you ask the staff at my LFS the answer will always be "yes". I don't know how much LFS employees make an hour but I don't think its very much. It would be awsome if they were all compelled to spend a certain amount of time each week on canreef :biggrin: .
This thread has me thinking that it's probably time to check out some of the other stores in the city. Besides I've probably spent $4000 over the years at this store and I don't think they even know my name. :sad:

danny zubot 07-12-2004 03:16 PM

Everyone here knows my opinion about Big Al's so I'll simply say stat away! But I've had food experiences with Wai's 222 16th ave. NE for fish and corals, and so far Ocean's has been good for fish, center st and about 24th ave NE.

Quinn 07-12-2004 03:43 PM

Re: reply

Originally Posted by danny zubot
But I've had food experiences with Wai's 222 16th ave. NE for fish and corals...

He sells those fugu puffers? I thought they were hard to prepare. :razz:

But seriously, it's interesting that a lot of people have had exactly the opposite experience. Good experiences at Big Al's, horrid at Wai's. Personally I avoid shopping anywhere in Calgary.

MitchM 07-12-2004 05:03 PM

I'm a full supporter of Wai's. I stay there because he gives me great service. Wai's was the last place I went to when I was getting into reefkeeping, after I tried everyone else and left disappointed.
I think the key is to stick to one shop and not purchase by price first.

LFS's want to keep good customers, and I don't think that you can be recognized as such at some larger stores if the employees are always changing.


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