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Borderjumper 09-13-2010 12:30 AM

What a nice afternoon! It was a pleasure meeting you all, and thanks so much to our gracious host! Not to mention the ice chest full of new corals I brought home! For sure let's do it again... I have room, maybe next time at my place. I'm thinking early December.? That gives us time to get some frags going, and then maybe a Spring Swap at KevinK's??

christyf5 09-13-2010 01:23 AM

Awesome time! Thanks for hosting Gary! I just got home a bit ago and can't believe I came home $5 AHEAD!! (unheard of....really).

Thanks to Borderjumper, Chaloupa, Chandigz and Gee for the great frags. It didn't take me long to fill that hole left by that colony (and my frag rack...again :razz:).

chandigz 09-13-2010 01:33 AM

Thanks for hosting Gary. It was nice to see everyone again and meet the rest. Thanks Shelly for the awesome acans, zoas, and ricordia. Thanks Gary for the zoas especialy the darth maul paly. And thanks to everyone else for the frags. Hope we can all do this again soon it was lots of fun and I got my fix for this week. Hope to see ya all at the TGVAS frag workshop next week.

lngrhaul 09-13-2010 02:24 AM

Thanks everyone for the great day. Especially our host!

I love my new stuff and even got more at the lfs in Duncan! Husband wasn't too unhappy :)

PoonTang 09-13-2010 02:39 AM

Had a great time too. Some nice new frags, and new friends. Great to see all of the old friends again too. I too had to stop in Duncan....2 new clams....weeeee.

Greenmaster 09-13-2010 02:51 AM

Thanks for hosting, it was nice to meet those of you who stuck around till the end, as I couldn't get there on time. Hopefully the next frag swap my tank will be able to hold some frags...(and keep them alive) although I didn't leave empty handed, I got a 15g tank for my brother. Looking forward to the next swap. :D

Chaloupa 09-13-2010 02:56 AM

Thank you so much Garry for hosting. I really enjoyed seeing everyone again. I would love to do it again in December...I'll have quite a few frags in the rest will be done by then! Lori I will have a Blue Mille frag for you anytime...if we go to Vic I'll bring you one! It's a beauty! OH and thank you everyone for buying and thank you to everyone I got frags from

flipzed 09-13-2010 04:05 AM

thank you shelly for the ric and bringing the fans down with you. and thanks to garry for the all the frags, sorry couldnt have stuck around a bit longer to get to know all of you,


Lance 09-13-2010 04:37 AM

Very fun day! Thank you Gary for hosting, and it is always nice to meet other reefers. I came home with lots of booty. :biggrin:

swervygirl 09-13-2010 03:00 PM

Yes great meeting those I did meet! Couldn't stay long but enjoyed the little bit that I was there.
Thanks Garry for hosting and the great frags I got from you. And thank you Lance for the toadstool!

I'm looking forward to the day I can contribute:biggrin:


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