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Parker 06-09-2011 03:43 PM

lastlight 06-09-2011 03:48 PM

Cute pic congrats you guys :)

Leah 06-09-2011 04:12 PM

Congrats!! Double the fun! :wink: how lucky! :mrgreen: Enjoy every minute of it as it goes so fast.

Delphinus 06-09-2011 07:48 PM

Aw. They're so widdle!

Enjoy the ride! Congrats!

Lance 06-09-2011 09:37 PM

:thumb::thumb: Awwwww! Look how cute they are.

lorenz0 06-09-2011 10:02 PM

Oh man, double post lol

congrads man!!

lockrookie 06-10-2011 04:04 AM

congrats parker they are super cute as i hope mom is doing well as well..

the wife and i are at 31 weeks now docs have us doing weekly ultra sounds.

es355lucille 06-23-2011 09:25 AM

Just checking out the action at 3:24 am tonight and seeing that there are others online and active!! I thought I would be the only one.

fishoholic 07-03-2011 04:10 AM

Only having an iPhone for internet kinda sucks. Although it's better then nothing, however I do miss my 19" monitor!

lockrookie 07-04-2011 04:19 PM

wife is at 35 weeks this week... could be any time now for the twins to arrive...

as an added thought we did this prenatal class and this one guy there made me shake my head. durring a break he started talking to me and we had be discussing the labour process. he informs me he wasnt too worried about his wife. "she is a farm girl used to birthing cows. so she will be able to pop the child out..she will git er done"

so not only did he call his wife a cow.... he had to add git er done on the end...some ppl make me shake my head.

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