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lockrookie 04-05-2013 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Kryptic4L (Post 808174)
I wish you luck on not wrecking any more tools, nice kit.

Lol well I can fix the rusty tools just don't want rust in the tank. And thank ya I e wanted a kit for awhile.

In other news Tested my calcium today as I'm getting ready to put my doser online and it reads at 320 so slowly getting it up to par alk is at 9. heres hoping I can figure this all out lol

lockrookie 04-05-2013 10:07 PM

Here is a pic of everything in place under the stand

Kryptic4L 04-05-2013 10:31 PM

Looks clean dude good job

lockrookie 04-05-2013 11:45 PM

Thank you and since I removed the calcium reactor I now have room for a pellet reactor ... Maybe

lockrookie 04-11-2013 04:29 AM

Just a few iPhone pics. I have come to the conclusion I need more white in the system

First my newest addition a potato chip coral. Had to have

And a few random pics

gregzz4 04-11-2013 04:41 AM

Nice job on the tidy under stand stuff Jeff

Gotta love the iPhone camera ... I think I'll tuck away my Canon for a bit now that I've an i5
It's just too easy to use, and seems better than my WX-5 :sad:

kien 04-11-2013 04:48 AM

Whoa that chip looks crazy! Can't say I've ever seen one of those before. Very cool. I'd call him Mr. Pringles!

lockrookie 04-11-2013 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 810529)
Nice job on the tidy under stand stuff Jeff

Gotta love the iPhone camera ... I think I'll tuck away my Canon for a bit now that I've an i5
It's just too easy to use, and seems better than my WX-5 :sad:

Yeah I use my iPhone for everything computer is getting dusty I even have an app to a was my files / programs on the pc from the phone. It's quite handy I do prefer using an actuall camera for tank pics but every time I wish to use the wife's camera the batteries are dead. So I give up

lockrookie 04-11-2013 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 810532)
Whoa that chip looks crazy! Can't say I've ever seen one of those before. Very cool. I'd call him Mr. Pringles!

Yeah I had never seen one like it before either its really cool I wish I could get a better pic I'm sure google has tons tho. This thing measures 5" wide 2" tall and like 1/4" thick the the polyps that come off of it where like 1/4 long earlier today on both sides.

We have a new store and they seem to be getting different products I've never seen here yet. Very pleased with their recent orders but scared of the money ill be spending. Their prices are great too this piece cost me 50$.

gregzz4 04-11-2013 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 810542)
It's quite handy I do prefer using an actuall camera for tank pics but every time I wish to use the wife's camera the batteries are dead. So I give up

My camera batteries have also given me grief lately


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 810542)
I even have an app to a was my files / programs on the pc from the phone

Umm, what ?
" to a was my files .... " ?

lockrookie 04-11-2013 05:19 AM

Lol sorry fat fingers and iPhone don't mix....access my pc files

gregzz4 04-11-2013 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 810554)
Lol sorry fat fingers and iPhone don't mix....access my pc files

I've taken to using the speak-to-text as I can't hit the little buttons either, even if I turn it to landscape :smile:

lockrookie 04-11-2013 05:28 AM

Dude I can't talk to an inanimate object like a phone even Siri peeves me off I called her a "working girl" and she was rude enough to suggest a few local massage parlours. I may make many tops and the phone may mistake an auto correct.. But I refuse to talk to my phone lol

gregzz4 04-11-2013 05:30 AM

Well, I can't knock you for that :smile:
I'm just not built to type fast on a little screen

I can type the blazes on a desktop keyboard, but not on a smartphone

lockrookie 04-11-2013 05:44 AM

It's all good just proof you like to talk to yourself and I like to makes mistakes. Lol

lockrookie 05-25-2013 04:32 AM

Finally got my skimmer online and the carpet is almost dry from my waterchange fiasco and the wife didn't kick me out. So I cleaned the tank and took a fts

gregzz4 05-25-2013 04:43 AM

It looks bad that I'm the only one replying to your build, like I'm stalking you :smile: but it's just a coincidence
This is my first chance to hang out here in weeks and you have an update

Great looking FTS :wink:

lockrookie 05-25-2013 04:52 AM

Lol it's ok stalker is harsh thread groupie sounds yeah I have a few new additions but there has been a lot of frustrations recently. Sps browning out. I have come to terms that I have a brown thumb for sps.. Making it rain in my wife's daycare in the basement prepping for a waterchange ooops. Skimmer offline for 4 weeks and my sand sifter trying to bury my new 6" plate coral.

I have added a false Moorish idol brown powder tang from jorjef, sail-fin tang scooter blenny. Just about done with the stock list just awaiting a convict tang and I am done fish wise. Then Concentrate on coral more. And home photo skills. Oh yes lastly I need to change my halide color I'm finding things too blue these days

gregzz4 05-25-2013 06:27 AM

Brown SPS ?
If I may suggest ....
Either cut your feedings down, or bump your filtration up
Too much food, IMHO, is the cause of brown SPS

I wish this was my problem
I bleached all my SPS from lack of food :surprise:

I had major probs last winter with my SPS bleaching from lack of food
I doubled fish foods, added coral foods etc
Algae came on like a banshee, but the SPS are happy now
Just need to balance things ... find the tipping point between fish food and coral food to keep the critters happy and the algae down

lockrookie 05-25-2013 07:00 AM

I really only feed once a day pinch of flake and some mysis the main reason for it browning this time was the skimmer not coming back online due to treating for cyano. My hopes are that they color up again now that I am back skimming.

lockrookie 01-14-2014 05:31 PM

lockrookie's 180g (build #3)
Well I haven't posted for awhile so here's a bit of an update. But first an apology

2013 turned out to be a rough ending with family deaths terrible two with the twins and slow business. And the last month fighting a nasty bug that flew through or family. Thus why I have been a bit distant from the board. So i apologies for that

Now as for my tanks. Well they have suffered immensely in this time period. Lost a lot of corals and my 180 returned to a sea of algea. Ended up throwing out about half a 5g bucket of coral and my tank is very close to a fowler tank at the moment..... Except for those dang palyies I wish would die

My 50 also suffered and I have yet to remove coral from it. But I have decided to have a bit of a do over. Once I get the tanks stabilized and running smoother. I am going to re work some of the rock and attempt a revamp. So stay tuned I hope to have it all done before may.

lockrookie 02-10-2014 10:59 PM

Changed my bulbs in this tank from 20 k to 15k halides and all new t5's and what was once brown is showing promise indeed

It was all brown then freaked me out started turning white thought it was dying but I noticed the flesh still on it

And today it's getting even more color

gregzz4 02-10-2014 11:11 PM

Is that a tri-color valida ?

lockrookie 02-10-2014 11:28 PM

To be honest not sure it was brown when I got it. Nearly died I fragged it and this is the first time I've seen color like this

Coralgurl 02-10-2014 11:43 PM

Here's hoping for a better year for you. Sorry for your losses and struggles, maybe the tank will become a good place for you again! Any significant changes for the tank planned?

gregzz4 02-11-2014 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 879544)
To be honest not sure it was brown when I got it. Nearly died I fragged it and this is the first time I've seen color like this

I have a very similar one that I'll post pics of in my build thread once my tank settles down after the new 'scape

lockrookie 02-11-2014 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 879545)
Here's hoping for a better year for you. Sorry for your losses and struggles, maybe the tank will become a good place for you again! Any significant changes for the tank planned?

The tank has always been a good place as such was just a green wooly mammoth for awhile. The corals are corals I like them and all but it's the fish that I care more about. I did lose a couple though which is unfortunate. My powder brown and my lawnmower as for changes not too much would like led but I broke the bank just getting the one for my 50 I've always disliked the left side of the tanks rock work I may try to change it a bit. Mainly keep up with the maintenance and get a couple different fish


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 879555)
I have a very similar one that I'll post pics of in my build thread once my tank settles down after the new 'scape

I am really bad with names ppls some fish and definitely corals. If I remember to put my undies on right it's a good day llol would like to see the pic tho

lockrookie 12-11-2014 05:36 AM

Long overdue update:

All is well with the world just haven't done a lot to the tanks as such put a radion on my 50 and love it. So I've saved up for a few for my 180.. And big thanks to Tyson and Ryan for giving me the opportunity to take their radions off their hands.

So now that I have them (save for the delayed one should come today) I have to adjust my hood to accept them. Initially I wanted 4 radions and I still might after Christmas. But for now 3 will work.. Yea yea I know overkill. But worse case scenario I'll have a backup in case of Accidental loss. Or the frag tank I just haven't gotten around to building yet.

Hopefully this helps my power consumption issues I had while using my current fixture That ran at 1190 watts.

Will post more as I progress with this new addition

lockrookie 12-21-2014 02:16 AM

Mounted the radions on my tank

My little helpers

Set on the tank

They have been running for a few days and I love them and my power bill will love them too lol still have to tweek a bit and get a red link to run both tank easier but all in all best Christmas ever

lockrookie 01-16-2015 02:13 AM

Pics of my latest toys and most like the last for awhile.

The reef link reminds me of an I-tv and was kinda a pain in the skimmer hole to hook up at first but seems ok now. And helical it easier to tweek the lights

But my biggest surprise was how the maxpect was packaged in its box was a metal tin with the power head inside was very nice to in pack

lockrookie 01-16-2015 02:15 AM

Regretfully it will be a bit before I hook up the gyre.... I am still battling dinoflagetteacamacallits but hopefully soon and will post a vid as well

gregzz4 01-16-2015 02:35 AM

Kool new toys Jeff :smile:

(hopefully the metal shipping container isn't a reflection on durability) looking forward to hearing about your Gyre experiences

lockrookie 01-16-2015 02:46 AM

Lol that was my fist thought too but handling this thing it's got some meat on it it's quite heavy. I have heard that it is recommended to have a thin silicone sheet between the magnets to help with noise do I'm going to head to the dollar store tomorrow and see if I can find something. It's supposed to help with vibration noise.

This way when I do set it up I will have it ready to go

lockrookie 02-03-2015 04:01 PM

Mini update tried a dinoflagette cleanse with algea x from fauna Marin to my dismay it caused havoc with my tank. To the point of almost throwing in the towel this week.

It's still on mind as the tanks bio bloom is slowly clearing up a little distraught on coral/fish deaths algea issues that won't go away. Hell my 90 was so nice and this tank has potential but is fighting me all the way.

I did hook up the gyre it's pretty cool and I recommend it it's amazing how much water it moves.

When I get the energy and willpower to make a vid I will sorry for the delay

lockrookie 02-09-2015 03:12 AM

Some ppl have dedicated fish rooms for their systems.. I have a closet....

Finished building some shelves today to organize my hoarding

Tank wise things are looking better but still have some part of a bacterial bloom happening

jorjef 02-09-2015 03:13 AM

You should remove your sand...... Just say'in

lockrookie 02-09-2015 03:16 AM

Lol maybe in all honesty I was thinking about it just to get coarser sand damn trigger keeps covering everything

gregzz4 02-09-2015 04:06 AM

Nothin' like havin' some storage space to call your own.
I have a fish/sump/office room with a hutch and closet, and I still find all kinds of other places to dump my stuff around the basement.
At least you know where some of your stuff is.

Oh ya, I agree you should remove your sandbed. I think we're all going to do it now :wink:

kien 02-09-2015 04:16 AM

And I see you're already using the Aquattro approved Instant Ocean! So, once you remove your sand bed you will achieve the pinnacle of reef perfection.

gregzz4 02-09-2015 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 934608)
And I see you're already using the Aquattro approved Instant Ocean! So, once you remove your sand bed you will achieve the pinnacle of reef perfection.

Hey, don't be pickin' on the approved salt .... even if it's only stamped by Brad
(I don't count, but I'll stamp it too)

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