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Seth81 10-02-2012 10:38 PM

Did you say the glass is tempered??

sphelps 10-02-2012 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Salt2Death (Post 751714)
First off WOW that you noticed that way off in the corner!

Tiny back pressure quiets the sloshing plumbing. Didn't slow the main pump
Down just the big splashing sounds in the plumbing......

Sent Via The Pirate Ship...

I noticed it because I've seen people do it so many times and have it end in disaster. A crab or something makes its way down the overflow and gets stuck on the partially closed valves, backs up the flow and the tank overflows. It looks like the last chamber in your sump is probably small enough that your pump will run dry prior to a tank overflow but this can be bad too if the pump dies as result when you're not around or if your ATO is capable of pushing things over the edge.

Something to consider I guess. You have two drains in the overflow box, you could run two lines to the sump and setup a herbie style overflow. 100% quiet and much more reliable.

Seth81 10-02-2012 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 751720)
I noticed it because I've seen people do it so many times and have it end in disaster. A crab or something makes its way down the overflow and gets stuck on the partially closed valves, backs up the flow and the tank overflows. It looks like the last chamber in your sump is probably small enough that your pump will run dry prior to a tank overflow but this can be bad too if the pump dies as result when you're not around or if your ATO is capable of pushing things over the edge.

Something to consider I guess. You have two drains in the overflow box, you could run two lines to the sump and setup a herbie style overflow. 100% quiet and much more reliable.

+1 for Herbie, mine is super quiet... Just make sure you do it right the first time, not like how I did mine originally.

cale262 10-02-2012 11:07 PM

+2 for Herbie, I have a hybrid herbie going to my basement sump with a third emergency overflow in the DT...not only is the Herbie dead silent but it's pretty safe.

I also just replaced all the flooring on the main floor of my house this spring/summer...if you guessed "tank related flood" you'd be right, after that expense and hassle of shutting down and moving 500gal of tanks you'd understand there is no such thing as too safe.

Salt2Death 10-02-2012 11:23 PM

As to all the advice up above, Big Thank You!

1. I have my over flow pipes set up as a Durso stand pipe.... (also have setup ahead of time a no way no chance a snail or grab can get into it all)
2. The noise I'd not at the display it's in the plumbing as is hits a section of 90's because of the restriction on how the plumbing was able to run.
(it sounds like a constraint flushing toilet in the basement family room)
3. ATO is monitored, more than 30 seconds it's shut of for 60 mins on top of flood sensors to shut it and the return pump down!

Thanx Guys!

Sent Via The Pirate Ship...

sphelps 10-02-2012 11:29 PM

That flushing toilet is the noise I warned you about previously when you use a single drain on that large of a drop.
Two drains, one back up and one with a gate valve, zero noise, zero air, everywhere (upstairs and down).
Crabs, snails and fish will find ways through your plumbing, unless you have strainers in your dursos that require constant cleaning you're vulnerable. Even a clump of algae can clog a valve.

Salt2Death 10-03-2012 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 751743)
That flushing toilet is the noise I warned you about previously when you use a single drain on that large of a drop.
Two drains, one back up and one with a gate valve, zero noise, zero air, everywhere (upstairs and down).
Crabs, snails and fish will find ways through your plumbing, unless you have strainers in your dursos that require constant cleaning you're vulnerable. Even a clump of algae can clog a valve.

Oh Yes You Sure Did!
(warning was given)

Big Thanx, Huge Thanx On Allll The Advice As To How To Fix It-

** Exterior overflow consists of main strainer separation from the tank, second one to catch the critters and 3rd a foam block that I clean every other day, and last the Durso strainers that I have yet in Many years had the strenuously clean, outside the normal cleaning routine I have. (I actually keep all my equipment maintained and do monthly cleans of 90% of it) OCD at its finest! **

But all your warnings are taken as very helpful and I promise if in anyway any of my redundancies are compromised I'll let you all know so you can give me a huge round of "I Told U Soo's" lol

:) thanx guys

Sent Via The Pirate Ship...

gregzz4 10-03-2012 08:55 PM

It may not be the end of the world, but thought you should know ...

If I'm seeing what I think I see, it looks like you have your sump bulkheads backwards
The rubber seals should be in the water and the nuts on the outside

Salt2Death 10-03-2012 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 751924)
It may not be the end of the world, but thought you should know ...

If I'm seeing what I think I see, it looks like you have your sump bulkheads backwards
The rubber seals should be in the water and the nuts on the outside

** They are, and the rubber is on the inside- I put it in backwards on purpose... Good Eye Greggz!

Sent Via The Pirate Ship...

NightShadeFairy 10-04-2012 02:37 AM

That's so cool! Didn't know they did that! (The feather duster moving into the shell)

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