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Got some corals in yesterday from hockey nut. THANK YOU.
1 multi coloured ric 3 rhodactus shrooms 1 green spot shroom 1 ice blue clove frag 1 pink zoas 1 purple gorg red macro Im in love. I will take pics when everything is happy and has coloured up. But so far it looks pretty good :) Thanks again. Im seariously considering this to be a mushroom tank now with lots of macro of course. No LPS. Im still looking for blue shrooms and rics (im in love with rics so pretty much any colour is fine by me), Yuma, cloves, different kinds of macro, feather dusters, zoas but not many. specifically looking for red with blue dots (superman) dioscema mushroom for livestock im thinking of either a group of gobies or a coral beauty (afraid it will eat my macro) or maybe both. hmmmm |
Alright im putting pics in early. Some items like the ric are still closed up but it still shows its colour :)
http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...tankJuly26.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...roomjuly26.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...roomjuly26.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...ctusjuly26.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...dricjuly26.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...ctusjuly26.jpg |
Great start Vanessa, I bet you must be happy to get your tank filled with corals....
I have hit the floor running and havent looked back. the only limiting factor for me is space argh!!!! |
thanks. it was like chistmas. i even finally let my husband take Logan in the stroller so i could walk out of the airport with my box of coral. This is going to be it for quite a while because we are spending about 50,000 on house renos for the outside of our house (roof, windows, siding) it NEEDS to get done for safetys sake.
i am so ****ed off!!!
this morning i fed 2 clowns. about an hour ago i went to feed the corals ... guess what only one clown. i tore everything apart trying to find him. the whole room is a mess and i found him between the stand and bookshelf about 2 feet off the floor stuck to the side of the stand. i had to use a sheet of paper to scrape him off. he was dry with eyes sunken in. he was 27 freakin dollars and super healthy. to top it off my almost 3 month old is teething; super screamer, and i lost his soother. nothing is calming him down. i havent even gotten dressed yet. im still in my tank top and undies since 5am when logan woke up. geez what a horrible day. |
Alright so i'm calmer now lol.
Im making plans to build a screen for the top of my tank. I was also strongly considering going invert only yesterday too lol Im thinking im going to make the screen/cover in two pieces. One for the front of the tank and one for the back. The light in the middle will have nothing under it. Its sitting just over the water and spans my entire tank. No gaps at all for fish to squeeze out of there. Im going to use polypropaline netting if i can find it for the front of the tank. I will string it to window screen frame if i can find that too. This way its light enough for me to remove for whatever i need for the tank. It also looks nicer too. The back part of the tank is going to be an issue. I have a HOB Tunze 9002 and a few wires coming out the back corners of the tank. I would need a mesh that is sturdy enough for me to cut holes in it just big enough for the skimmer cup to fit and the wires to fit without it sagging. I will obviously need to build a frame for support but i will need something skinny enough to go in between the skimmer cup and my lights. There is very little space there and i need something that is not flammable. I was thinking of using rigid plastic mesh and a plastic rod... maybe PVC im not sure yet as the frame. Im not worried about the back looking gross. No one is going to see it. It will need to be easily removable as well so i can clean the back glass. Next time i go to the lfs im going to look for another clown... I hope the clown i have now doesnt kill the new one. Im also strongly considering a 6 line wrasse. I would also like to get a couple of hermits and a skunk cleaner. I wouldnt mind a goby either or a dartfish but they arent carried much by our lfs and im worried the 6 line will attack and kill it. We shall see though. |
went to the lfs yesterday and picked up another clown and 2 blue leg hermits; i couldnt resist.
When i got home i noticed the new clown had no mouth. Grrr so i called the petstore and they will trade me for one that does have a mouth. So now there is one on hold for me. I will pick it up on saturday. OH and I also got a bunch of corals from tang daddy a little while ago. Very nice corals. I love them and they are all doing well. I will post pics when they are more settled in and colour up some more. My other corals from hockey nut are colouring up very nicely. The branching gorg however is a lost cause. Its melting away day by day. There is too much to clip away now. Im just leaving it in the tank to see what happens but 80% of it is now gone. :( I really liked that purple tree. My husband called it "the broken stick" |
So a few things have happened in my tank. The water got all cloudy for a few days and I was wondering WTF?? So I tested and noticed my trates were up a bit. I looked around, counted my livestock, everything was there... BUT, in the sandbed I noticed an open white clam shell. I thought, weird. I left the tank to clear out the cloudiness and it did. Then it got cloudy again and I looked around and noticed another clam shell. Then the water went clear again... then a couple days later cloudy again. I looked in the same spot.... Another clam shell. I grabbed a mirror to look at the underside of my LR and I couldnt see much but they are comming from that area. I wonder who is eating the clams... or are they just dying. Meh either way it doesnt bother me. They are hitch hikers and Im not getting mad at whom ever is enjoying fresh clams as much as I do ;)
I also watched something very freaky happen with my hermit crabs. My larger hermit had its claws in the smaller hermits shell. I thought "Nooooo" and in 2 seconds the large crab pulled out the smaller hermit in 2 pieces and flung him to either side and then immediately shoved his claws back into the shell. I watched in horror as the two pieces of little hermie floated and rolled along the sandbed hitting rubble and zoas as it went by. My poor little hermie. HOWEVER, 1 hour later I looked at my tank again and notice not 1 but 2 hermies. YES little hermie just molted. He was not ripped in half by big hermie. YAY!!! What a freaky thing to watch though. lol I moved some corals around to make room for some new additions comming in September and then that will be it until next year. My husband; God bless him; bought me a fish from the lfs. Its on hold there and he says its for my saltwater tank. He says its really cool looking and its one that ive talked about before. Hmmmmm I wonder what it could be. Its in quarentine until the lfs deems it safe to send to a new home. Now im not allowed to go to the lfs until the fish is ready for pick up so I dont ruin the surprise. Im actually more scared than excited. What if he bought me a puffer or a tang or something. eeek |
http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...ya/aug2010.jpg big hermie with claws in little hermies shell http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2.../bighermie.jpg blue ric http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...ya/blueric.jpg green with orange spot mushroom http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...otmushroom.jpg superman rhodactious http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...hodactious.jpg some kind of new macroalgae... a type of bryopsis http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a2...a/DSC_3512.jpg |
didnt like that green algae. Parts of it kept going white and then it was green again blah blah blah so i just removed it.
Got my shipment of coral in from Tang daddy yesterday. Nice stuff but it arrived in cold water. I guess the bus depot place kept it in a cool area. I will let them get used to their new place before i take any pics. I recieved: Lariat zoas ice blue cloves (hoping these ones survive, they dont ship very well) neon green candycane (so bright it hurts my eyes) green sinularia green ric pink tip froggy Green and orange monti cap. (i wanted to give these a try.) Dont know whats wrong with all my zoas. They opened up the day i got them and thats it. They are very wrinkley like an old persons face. Only one or two from each frag will open up sometimes and thats bairly. I just see a little skirt and thats it. Sometimes they open enough for a polyp to eat and then close up again. Ive dipped them, nothing happened. I cant see any pests on them. No spots, nothing out of the ordinary from pics i see online. Just wrinkley like they are deflated or something like that. Ive tried to do research but i come up with nothing but unrelated issues. Ive moved them to a lower flow area and lower light. Any suggestions?? |
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