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Wretch 05-13-2015 05:19 AM

Same location fine with everyone?

John B Pub
1000 Austin Ave Coquitlam

I guess no one can really complain there was only 5 of us last time.

rsisvixen 05-13-2015 05:40 AM

I'll be in

gregzz4 05-13-2015 01:23 PM

I might make it this time, but not if it's 5pm
I'm all for a brunch kinda time

Wretch 05-13-2015 09:10 PM

So whats everyone like for a time? Something like 1pm or 5:30pm like last time?

WarDog 05-13-2015 09:13 PM

You make the call Joe. This is your baby this time. Otherwise it will be debated forever lol.

Wretch 05-13-2015 09:29 PM

Any time works for me. I can eat, drink, and talk all at once any time. I will see if anyone else has a preference and go from there.

Saturday the 23rd work or is it not enough time?

WarDog 05-13-2015 10:25 PM

The 23rd works for me.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-13-2015 11:01 PM

23rd works for me too.

The Guy 05-13-2015 11:16 PM

23rd is good for me, suggestion how about afternoon around 2-2:30 ish at the John B?

Wretch 05-14-2015 01:14 AM

OK here we go official day/time/place.

Day: Saturday, May 23
Time: 2:00pm (still brunch and allows people to get home for dinner)
Location: John B Pub
Address: 1000 Austin Ave Coquitlam

See you all there.

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