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lpsreefer 12-23-2012 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 775960)
New additions... Manderin dragonet can't get a pic of him yet and a sailfin tang testing out my new lights tonight as well will try to get a pic but for now the sailfin

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

nice sailfin!

lockrookie 12-23-2012 02:54 AM

Thank you I just hope the yellow tang gets over his angst and leaves him be soon

Didn't take long to temporarily switch the lights to test it out the pic looks alright but I definitely need to change some bulbs the atinics t5 make it look green with them alone so I need to find some deeper blue ones. But for now here it is with what I believe are 10k bulbs maybe 14k just very yellow

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

lockrookie 12-23-2012 04:10 PM

Pics of the new fixture well new to me 3x 250w mh & 8x 39w t5. I no longer need any other lighting in my living room.

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

lockrookie 01-08-2013 01:54 AM

So..... This is what's newish.. Built part A of my 2 part hood which makes me happy will try to snap a pic or two in a bit.. Mounted light on said hood. Even more spiffy. Tested everything last night... Good to go...and today it agent down hill.

Woke up to the t5s all fired up ready to go so I waited until 10 for the halides to fire. And they didnt. For some reason my apex isn't keeping good time. So I have to look into why its doing that but I fired them up manually all was well with the world. Until 6:00 tonight the halides shut off. It seems to be o reheating the water... Bugger so now I have to figure out a plan to cool the water without the use of a chiller and keep it below 82. Let the thoughts begin...

Got my doser from Doug today as well much appreciated. So now I have to make some media storage containers as well as finding a good source to purchase the media from

I know I posted his on the full tank bread but just for journal purposes here is the beginning of the year pic with new light

Doug 01-08-2013 02:03 AM

Wow. Now thats a light. :D Glad the doser arrived.

tim the toolman 01-08-2013 02:32 AM

Have you tried simply running a small fan across the surface of the water to blow some of the heat away. Thats what I doin the summer when my tanks heat comes up and it helps reduce the temp by about 2-3 degrees. Just a little 5" clip on fan is all I run.

lockrookie 01-08-2013 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 780106)
Wow. Now thats a light. :D Glad the doser arrived.

Yeah it's a but overkill maybe... But when a red deer reefer posted it I couldn't resist I am hoping the sps like it and I can get some better colors. The doser may help with that too since my calcium reactor is a bust.


Originally Posted by tim the toolman (Post 780121)
Have you tried simply running a small fan across the surface of the water to blow some of the heat away. Thats what I doin the summer when my tanks heat comes up and it helps reduce the temp by about 2-3 degrees. Just a little 5" clip on fan is all I run.

Fans are going to be my first try. I am not sure a clip on fan will suffice by itself but I have an idea just have to dig up some cash to implement. For now the fish and corals get a shorter light period which is ok too to get them used to the light.

I do thank you for the suggestions any and all are welcome as always

lockrookie 01-26-2013 07:16 PM

Tank maintenance day so I enlisted some help...

They checked every inch

Here the problem dad it needs a bum change

lockrookie 02-03-2013 04:46 AM

It's always sad to see a fellow reefer have to shut down for whatever reason. Especially since they have been in the hobby since 07. I am glad I was able to help him out and purchase his corals in hopes he can return to the hobby when things get better and I can give him frags to start up again.

Some frags came in from a recent frag box order ill tag them but I have to apologize my very blue lighting made taking pics with my I phone difficult so once it's done uploading ill post a vid later as well.

There where 23 corals in total I couldn't get suitable pics of most. Ill try with my wife's camera.

Skimmerking 02-03-2013 04:53 AM

Well look at you mister SPS guy

lockrookie 02-03-2013 04:56 AM

These are a couple of the fragbox corals again I apogee for the pics

lockrookie 02-03-2013 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 789367)
Well look at you mister SPS guy

I'm trying... Really hard this is why I bought my monster light lol

wreck 02-03-2013 05:18 AM

Nice tank! Would be cool to see it in person sometime

lockrookie 02-03-2013 05:30 AM

If your in town and I don't have things on the go your more than el one to come and see my algea infested tank lol seriously tho just give me a heads up and ill see what I can do. Busy household

lockrookie 02-03-2013 06:32 AM

And a quick video to end the night

wreck 02-04-2013 01:41 AM

Hey that's sounds great, I'm in Regina mon- fri every week. So I will send u a pm sometime

Parker 02-04-2013 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 786613)

Love these pics!

My daughter loves all things fish son could care less.. Lol

lockrookie 02-04-2013 02:56 AM

They love getting into anything and I have to teach early. Thanks for the compliment

lockrookie 02-04-2013 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by wreck (Post 789634)
Hey that's sounds great, I'm in Regina mon- fri every week. So I will send u a pm sometime

Sure just be sure to plan a day ahead some days it gets crazy around here.

lockrookie 02-17-2013 07:06 AM

Since I'm up here is an update and a couple fun photos

I have had a huge algea outbreak I intend to eradicate by any means necessary. A week ago I bought a sea-hare from our lfs. And it's the first one Ive had that actually survived when introduced to my tank. Two years ago I tried two that didn't make it through shipping. At first I didn't think it was going to make it do to it barely moving about but tonight it seems to be chewing down so there is hope.

I also Received my bottle of algae fix by API on Friday and did my first dose on Friday. So far the only thing I've noticed is there is less film algae on the glass. I realize it won't happen overnight. But it does seem to be doing something at the least. It says to dose every 3 days but I promise not to post each time.. But will try to take key pics is possible.

Here is a pic with a small sample of the algae featuring my manderin whom prolly loves the algae for hunting purposes

Secondly I've been slowly getting ready to dose calcium and such and still have to finish the lid for my dosing container. I have been using a reactor but no matter how much I tweak and play with it I can never get the reactor to keep up. So I'm going to re purpose the co2 canister and make my own soda.

In the meantime this is what Ive done to a small tank given to me with no less than a broken pane (I think in this thread it's a given to have) fixed the broken piece with some glass I have hoarded. And cut a couple more for dividers. I was going to build from scratch something different but got lazy for now may change it down the road. I was hoping to have more space for some future upgrades. But for now this will do

The pics...

Hopefully I can get it finished this weekend along with some trim work on the stand. I know I bought parts for the hood but for the life of me can't remember where I left them

Lastly a. Couple random pics

Oh I forgot I thing my hydroponics whatchamacallit is ATM IMG lower branches are turning white flesh receding I may have to frag it and start over... Really sucks

lockrookie 02-21-2013 03:42 AM

Today's newest addition is brought to you by bayside corals...well it his pic too cause I suck lol

ensquire 02-21-2013 04:28 AM

Wow Very nice.

lockrookie 02-22-2013 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by ensquire (Post 795075)
Wow Very nice.

Thank you bayside always has great stuff. This time I actually had money to get something lol

In other news I got ambitious and finished my hood. I still have to lacquer it and seal the inside so I guess my next project will be the cooling fans. I also have to make the corner trim and back trim and attach the baseboard but if I'm lucky it should be completed this weekend. Here's a couple pics tell me what ya think.

The 8 t5 only I think I need to add a bit of white lol

Coralgurl 02-22-2013 02:05 AM

Wow! Seriously this is gorgeous! Your tank and stand are just amazing!! Gotta say, I'm jealous!

kien 02-22-2013 02:12 AM

Ya that turned out really nice man! Wish my canopy looked that sleek!

ensquire 02-22-2013 02:16 AM

That is a very nice setup. Well done on the woodwork. Your a crafty kinda guy..
180 looks like a nice size to work with. Lotsa tang room.

lockrookie 02-22-2013 02:16 AM

Lol thank you but don't be. I have hours of toothbrush scrubbing ahead of me. My green hair algae has exploded to epic status my left side of the tank looks like a woolly mammoth. Even my seahare eats an inch square then goes to the sand bed for a nap till the next day.

lockrookie 02-22-2013 02:27 AM

Thanks guys it helps that my father is a carpenter but I did goof up a little in a couple spots lets hope the wood filler does its job lol

I should also mention as you may have seen from the photos the front pops off for tank maintenance as well and is held in place with a couple of these

lockrookie 02-22-2013 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 795334)
Ya that turned out really nice man! Wish my canopy looked that sleek!

Kien doncha know its not what's on the outside but what's on the inside that counts. And your tank and others like it is my inspiration to try and achieve awesome color and coralscapes

Until then I own a flowing hairy armpit lol

kien 02-22-2013 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 795345)
Kien doncha know its not what's on the outside but what's on the inside that counts. And your tank and others like it is my inspiration to try and achieve awesome color and coralscapes

Until then I own a flowing hairy armpit lol

I didn't really need to know about your armpit but thanks for sharing?

I keep meaning to re-do my canopy to be more sleek and house my lights just like yours but I never seem to get around to it. Instead I consider my canopy kinda ghetto.

lockrookie 02-22-2013 02:50 AM

at least i didnt describe it as a hairy A##.... Sometimes simple is better. If I coulda I would have kept it simple but the tank had to match the following pic or else..

lockrookie 02-22-2013 05:20 AM

Just came home from opening a house for a drunk lady whom peeved me off royally. And my tank actually cheered me up. I peeked down one end and saw an amazing photo op. and I must say my iPhone did this justice. My new favourite pic of my tank

lockrookie 03-01-2013 05:48 AM

So it was a sad day today as my fave coral and centerpiece was rotting away and dieing he hyndophoria has been turning white and my water quality has been going down hill due to the die off. I have fragged it now which was not a fun feat firstly I had to remove it from the tank and surprise it didn fit my opening I had to have the wife hold it while I removed my light enough to lift it through the top. She was a real trooper putting it on my work table until one of the two emerald crabs residing in it crawled out and nipped her. But all fun aside from the fun and games my poor colony has now become a forest to chose which frag if survives will be the mark 2 I ran out of frag glue as well if they dont die some will be available for sale for a time.

My now hydnophoria forest and full frag rack

Whiston 03-01-2013 04:48 PM

That really sucks, but on the plus side, you have a bunch of great looking frags there!

kien 03-01-2013 05:20 PM

whoa.. didn't nobody tell you not to feed hydnos past midnight?

lockrookie 03-01-2013 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Whiston (Post 797973)
That really sucks, but on the plus side, you have a bunch of great looking frags there!

Yeah they are of great size the main issue is no one really likes them lol so most will more than likely get thrown away I just want to wait and pick the nicest one to replace the mother colony

lockrookie 03-01-2013 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 797977)
whoa.. didn't nobody tell you not to feed hydos past midnight?


lockrookie 04-03-2013 03:23 AM

So as I posted awhile back I was fighting algae by the mother load. I was determined to wipe it out as soon as possible and ordered a seahare from pat as well as algae fix made by API. Regretfully algae fix isn't sold in Canada and you have to order it from the us.

Anyways not completely sure if it was the seahare or the chemical or both but I am happy with the results the algae is basically eradicated now most turned white and disintegrated and what didn't the seahare. My bed up. Anyways ill post two pics as a comparison so you can see the results



lockrookie 04-03-2013 04:01 AM

And since my needle nose pliers rusted I decided I needed one of these for future endeavours

Kryptic4L 04-03-2013 07:22 AM

I wish you luck on not wrecking any more tools, nice kit.

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