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lpsreefer 08-17-2012 07:11 AM

They won't bite you. They become very attached to a person.
Symbiotic connection. My pink tail trigger was like that always wanting to be touched and played with.
At first it's a bit scary as was all heard story of Zeus.
I miss it.

lockrookie 08-17-2012 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by mattjoly85 (Post 738123)
They won't bite you. They become very attached to a person.

Symbiotic connection. My pink tail trigger was like that always wanting to be touched and played with.

At first it's a bit scary as was all heard story of Zeus.

I miss it.

I will have to get brave.. He always comes up to day hi as well as the new cbb. Thanks for the info.. Of I lose a chunk of skin ill blame you lol

Sent from a pineapple under the sea...

lockrookie 08-18-2012 03:03 AM

not too fond of these pics tanks a lilfuzzy but you asked you shall recieve... gonna have to see what i can do with the fuzziness later

gregzz4 08-18-2012 03:06 AM

Thanks for the shots Jeff
Your tank is SO kool :mrgreen:

lockrookie 08-18-2012 03:09 AM

np im stll not happy with teh left side rockwork but havent fount the live rock that will make me happy i think i may have to build something or order some dry branchingrock and replace it all..but fornow it will have to just annoy me

gregzz4 08-18-2012 03:18 AM

I'll post a pic soon of my tank for you to laugh at ...
Your's is awesome :smile:

lockrookie 08-18-2012 03:22 AM

yours will get there give it time one day you wll look at it and say damn i need to go bigger and the cycl begins.. but thank you for the compliments i still dont feel satisfied with it .itneed more corals more something

gregzz4 08-18-2012 03:30 AM

I did the 'I need more corals' today
I added a colony of Frogspawn ...

Still wish I had your Torch :razz:

lockrookie 08-18-2012 03:49 AM

i usually buy corals when someone is shutting down the torch is cool but the big score lately was the superman monty.. so stoked about that.. i try not to buy corals from stores unless i must have it senario.. id prefer to buy out of ppl tanks.. help a fellow reefer out if possible so it take me awhile to accumilate.

gregzz4 08-18-2012 04:50 AM

I agree
I would have rather bought from a reefer ...
When I saw this one colony, I had to have it .....
Besides .... I am supporting a LFS :smile:

lockrookie 08-18-2012 05:01 AM

yes it is important to support the lfs... im excited fo the changes coming soon to ours but i remind you .. im a cheap bastard thus why all teh diy stuff lol

lockrookie 08-25-2012 10:55 PM

adding new powerbar = epicfail... awaiting customer support @ neptune.. yeah me lol my conclusion is i got a dud powerbar.. as loon as it was turned on it made my light fixture light up like a bad lightning was kinda cool to see halides do that but....not the effect i was going for.. we will seewhat neptune says on the matter not to mention the apex doesnt ee it anymore..

gregzz4 08-26-2012 06:02 AM

Hmm, that stinks
Let us know what happened

lockrookie 08-26-2012 10:23 PM

neptune surprised me by replying tome today i didn't expect anything until monday maybe and are working on it as i is for hoping...

lockrookie 08-27-2012 06:26 PM

So it turns out my powerbar is a dud lol sizzle.... But they are replacing it for me...I will say their. I will say so far their customer service thus far is great

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

lockrookie 10-19-2012 06:15 AM

So I'm thinking a bit of an update on this build is in order. I really haven't done much but care for the inhabitants as of late. Busy summer and all and since its getting cold no real urge to work in an in heated garage. The main reason for the stall is my hood I don't really want to build it without my future LEDs but having a hard time choking the cost of the heat since I want and contemplating making something myself. Not to mention the whole ups power bar fiasco is still not resolved. I have to contact Neptune to see why they haven't come to deal with my claim

But all in all I'm happy with how things are running skimmer is working decently had a small cyano outbreak I remedied. Contemplating some livestock additions just can't make up my mind.

For now that is all if I get a chance ill take some pics this weekend

That is all

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

kien 10-19-2012 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 756202)
What is it they say pictures or there is no proof.....

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

.. Just sayin'.

lockrookie 10-19-2012 06:41 AM

Touché lol

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

Skimmerking 10-19-2012 05:55 PM

Jeff the tank is looking great. Hey your rock is like mine WTF all that green and red Crappy Algae

lockrookie 10-19-2012 06:04 PM

Yeah I know it would help if I had more than 10 snails in the tank lol I have about 50 to 100 snails coming soon. Just waiting for pat to make an order

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

jorjef 10-19-2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 756316)
Just waiting for pat to make an order

I understand it's also going to snow sometime.... Not sure which would be easier to predict, snow or Pat:lol:

lockrookie 10-19-2012 06:49 PM

Some times this can be true but he tries it was his idea to bring in a fresh batch for me next time he makes an order so :p

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

lockrookie 10-26-2012 05:09 PM

So finally my claim with ups is settled they didn't even come to the house to Check investigate. I tried the whole twitter @ups thing. What a gong show that was. But in the end it was Neptune systems that came through for me. They emailed me today that the claim came through yesterday and they are shipping out a new eb8 today. I can't say enough nice things about Paul. He was quick to respond to my emails and always kept me updated. Even when he was at Macna.
So Neptune systems is definitely on my A list of companies to deal with.

Shortly after reading the email I get a call from ups on the matter. And the person who calls me is a customer of my own company( I know where he lives ). I discussed all the issues explaining everything. And he has put me on the non ring and run policy. Whatever that entails. But assures me it will never happen again and if it does I have his direct line. To contact him if a situation arises. We will see how this goes when the new eb8 arrives.

On a happier note picking up my Fragalot frags in a bit hopefully all is good to go. Will post pictures as soon as possible. And update on their status

Have a great weekend

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

lockrookie 11-08-2012 05:45 PM

4 month update only changes is I retired the 750gph koralias in exchange for 2 1400gph and now there is flow. And an updated pic...

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

lockrookie 11-13-2012 06:13 AM

Had to do some adjustment regarding my new flow. But everything is settled down now. I'm going to start getting serious about my led build soon. I would like the lights build before I finish the canopy in order to make the necessary adjustments. And I need to order a new refuge light the one I had went poof. May just use a clamp on light even tho its a tad ugly.

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

lockrookie 12-18-2012 06:54 AM

Led build on hold I cannot commit but ill keep research hing and redesigning until I'm committed. So instead of saving on my power bill. I'm going to add to it and upgrade to 250w halides. And play with LEDs for my 50g until I'm happy with the outcome before I attempt the 180. Light should be here thurs or fri just before Christmas and new bulbs just after will update photos for comparison as it happens

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

lastlight 12-18-2012 07:11 AM

that hydno is so sweet and massive too! your rockwork has really aged well looks awesome man.

lockrookie 12-18-2012 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 774556)
that hydno is so sweet and massive too! your rockwork has really aged well looks awesome man.

Want some.. I can send you a chunk it's grown since that pic I may have to smash it and start over lol I don't want to but I predict by summer it will be out of the water

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

lockrookie 12-18-2012 07:18 AM

And thank you for the compliment just have a few algae issues to deal with dropped 50 snails in the other day see how it goes lol

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

kien 12-18-2012 01:35 PM

Seriously, that hydno is a show piece! It must glow like a nuclear reactor!

lockrookie 12-18-2012 02:08 PM

This is it march 2010

And as of this morning just with the 2 70w halides on amen with my iPhone

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

michika 12-18-2012 03:32 PM

Very nice growth. The colour looks great too.

lastlight 12-18-2012 03:41 PM

you should rent that beast out. just set it down near any nuisances and boom they're history!

kien 12-18-2012 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 774604)
you should rent that beast out. just set it down near any nuisances and boom they're history!

Hydnophora vs. Blue Mushrooms - FIGHT!!

lastlight 12-18-2012 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 774625)
Hydnophora vs. Blue Mushrooms - FIGHT!!

mseepman 12-18-2012 04:37 PM

Someone has waaaay to much time on their hands!!

lockrookie 12-18-2012 04:45 PM

Lol I'd say so. Surprising enough I have never seen any sweepers but I'm sure the day will come

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

lastlight 12-18-2012 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by mseepman (Post 774635)
Someone has waaaay to much time on their hands!!

or knows photoshop better than kien's... tank build. :mrgreen:

kien 12-18-2012 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 774631)

a blue 'shroom never looked so hot..

lockrookie 12-23-2012 01:04 AM

New additions... Manderin dragonet can't get a pic of him yet and a sailfin tang testing out my new lights tonight as well will try to get a pic but for now the sailfin

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

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