Delphinus |
02-12-2009 05:58 AM |
I'll try to get some pictures up in the next day or two. :redface: I've been working on stuff, although more of it is trying to find the basement floor. I'm pretty sure I left it there somewhere under the massive strata of junk. On a totally unrelated note, I was somewhat dismayed last night to find that I've kept some 500-600 plant pots from my orchid and African violet growing days. Does, ah, anyone want some? Because I fear they are directly responsible for sapping my mental health, so I've got to get them out of my basement. Honestly. Who keeps this many empty plant pots? Hooray for Green Gate and their recyling bin of plant pots, I'm about to make a huuuuuge donation.
Just so I can say I've talked about the tanks, I've been slowly emptying the 75g into the 115g so I can hopefully take down the 75g soon and frame the wall that needs to go right where that tank is standing. A FTS of the 115g will be soon, it, ah, is starting to look slightly full. Apparently I have a thing for gorgs and clams because right now it is a "gorg and clam" kind of a tank. I did lose a clam in the transfer, it was one I had moved before I left so I was sort of surprised it went under last week after looking really good and settled for a few weeks. Just one night it spawned, the next night it looked pretty rough, the next day it was a total goner. :( I also had a bit of a problem on Monday with a powerhead suddenly tripping a GFCI. Of course it first tripped about 5 minutes after I had gone to bed the night before and so in the morning the water was kinda cool, fish were OK but the last cleaner shrimp I had didn't make it. I had been trying to catch him to get him out of the 115g because I will be moving my flame hawk next and well, didn't want to get eaten, but unfortunately I guess I don't need to worry about that happening anymore. :(
And just so I can say I did talk about the 280g, my t5 reflectors and sockets arrived the other day so the next hardware project is trying to shoehorn them all onto the lighting rack. 8x24w's mounted perpendicular as per Michika's/KrazyKuch's tank and suggestion, but I'm not sure what I'll be mounting the sockets onto just yet, I need some aluminum plating about 2" wide or something like that.