View Poll Results: Coral Beauty in a Reef Tank
Have one and love her
AaronH, Azzkr, badAZZlars, Beccadawn, bigal, bignose, Cade, carnut, Dive_dry, Duffer2, kole, monocus, moppy, Northvan, nrosdal, Otardifus, outacontrol, paddyob, Parker, reefloving, Ross, scubadawg, sharkbait, Slick Fork, Snappy, StirCrazy, subman, subman jr., subnet88, The Guy, tony_3a, toytech, Tracey2, tt101, xnmuller
35 |
53.85% |
Had one was a nightmare
2 |
3.08% |
Would take a chance on one
AquaticFinatic, axe_man16, Baldy, Chowder, chris88, Doc_Polit, ensquire, fishoholic, H2o2, jtbadco, Kevany, lpsreefer, Megalodon, MMAX, mohammadali, reefbyremote, Seriak, Steeves, sunoka
19 |
29.23% |
No way not in my tank
9 |
13.85% |
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